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Forgiveness is free medication

She stared blankly back at me while telling me that she felt absolutely no better. The numbness was still there in her feet even after seven years of the very best medical treatment. She had done blood tests, tests for her circulation, and even nerve function tests. She had been to the top specialists and had the very best medicine, but still nothing was working.

As a medical doctor, it is so easy to believe we know it all until something like this happens and you realise just how little we know as doctors, qualifications and all.

Gradually, over time, you come to realise that the very best user manual for the human body is not the medical books, but it’s the Bible.

For chronic diseases, most medical books have ‘cause unknown’ listed in the section where the cause of a disease should be. Yet somehow, we are not short on treatment options for these diseases.

On a whim, I asked my patient, “What was happening in your life before the numbness in your feet started?”


“My husband began to give away his part of our retirement money to every relative who asked.”

“This is not a physical problem,” I told her. “We are living souls, so what happens to us in life that affects us mentally also affects our bodies.  At times, we can’t separate them and treat only the body.”

She listened keenly as I told her there may be only a few things standing between her and her healing. She hung on every word as I spoke. I told her frankly that she should forgive her spouse, and she repeated a prayer of release right there in my office. “

It is written that we were created for hope, peace, joy, love, and fulfilment of our purpose (where all things will work for our good). Any departure from that attracts sickness like a magnet.

I knew she also needed hope.

“What are you instinctively good at that you also enjoy?” I asked.  As she shared her special area of natural skill, a simple business idea began to formulate. I could see excitement returning to her face as hope was being restored.

I’d seen this look before in others.

“Why don’t you stand up and tell me how your feet feel now?” 

She melted into giggles as she recognised that she was completely free from all numbness after seven years of torture.


Taking time to consider the heart and soul of a person is not something that is done in many doctors’ offices, but I believe we could get faster and much better results if we would just consider this, even for a moment as we pull out our prescription pads.

This is only one true story of so many where people rediscovered the way they were meant to operate in life: with freedom in their hearts and souls. How many people have died of fear or grief, or hopelessness? I suspect there are too many to consider.

It took me over 20 years to recognise this missing link that helps so many recover when nothing else is working.

If you have been sick too long, have a look at your life with new eyes and see if you have departed from the “true self-care,” which begins with aligning your soul to God’s will for you to be happy, peaceful, and free.

This little secret just may be the answer you’ve been searching for and longing for.


Dr. Arlene Rose specialises in medical weight-loss procedures. Her books: “Faith, Medicine, and Miracles: A doctor’s Journey into Supernatural Healing”, “Stop Fighting and Let Me Heal You”, and “Healing Now” are available on Amazon.

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