Functional Atheists, repent or perish!

Wake up, repent, and live! We are in the age of apostasy. Millions in the pulpits and pews are falling away, dropping dead like flies, spiritually, while holding down key positions in the church.

Something shifted recently, and skirts have been lifted. Many who were once champions for Christ have been exposed as allies of the devil, wolves in sheep’s clothing, and great pretenders on a mission to mislead the masses.

By their fruit, we now know them. If the COVID plandemic taught us nothing else, use it as a line in the sand. Church leaders had to choose a side of the COVID-divide, and many did not choose God. When the apostates beat their chests and pontified congregations to trust the science, it was a clear signal to the body that their choice was not for God and righteousness. It was an indisputable indication that they had entered the dark realm of functional atheism.

Many sheep followed the lead of their fallen shepherds, who, under the tutelage of Satan, swapped the presence and power of the Sovereign Lord for science, schemes, and the ultimate scam.

These functional atheists continue to present themselves as pastors, bishops, and even apostles, but their souls have been sold to mammon. They embrace and promote popular worldly messages and question the authenticity of God.

Apostle Paul warned the church against “deceitful workers” who disguise themselves as apostles of Christ, essentially preaching a different gospel and misleading believers. 

Revelation describes false apostles and teachers as people who pretend to be Christian leaders but are actually deceiving others. They exploit people, spread false teachings, or lead people away from the truth. The church today has more than its fair share of these devils.

Satan and his emissaries make it their mission to work day and night to identify cracks in Christianity through which to worm their way into the sacred spaces and whittle away core beliefs.

Money will always make the mare go, and too many of the men and women of the cloth run. And Satan knows this very well. It is no wonder that global advocates of the reprobate lifestyle would target church leaders whose minds are locked on making money, acquiring assets, growing mega-sized churches, and establishing impressive, technologically advanced edifices by any means necessary. Week in, week out, they brag about the size of their buildings and the funds they hold to pour more mortar, while the congregations are not evangelised and holiness departs.

These zealots have no interest in spreading the gospel of Christ, making disciples of men, or baptising them in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. As pawns of the enemy in pulpits, they become accusers of the brethren, just like the scribes and Pharisees of old.

The mission to lead the church astray is global and well-financed. The United Nations, the European Union, and other international agencies that are expressly anti-God have been surgical in their efforts to force countries to accept and promote the unrighteous LBGTQI agenda, cashless economies, and other programmes promoted by the beast.

Economic sanctions have been levelled against nations that have pushed back against the ploy.

The attempts by the Arcus Foundations and others to trap the church in the Caribbean into accepting same-sex ideology should never have taken anyone by surprise. Arcus’ anti-HIV stigma programme was baited with moral ideals and mad money and gobbled up hook, line, and sinker by some unsuspecting church leaders who should have known better.

While the Jamaica Coalition for Healthy Society, the Lawyers Christian Fellowship, the Love March Movement, Freedom Come Ministries International, and a few others were waging war to demolish the Satanic strongholds across the nation that too many others in the pulpits secretly egged on the forces of darkness against the people of God.

Know this: the return of the Lord is fast approaching, and Satan knows this. The persecution of the brethren will intensify, and every soul must choose who they will serve as the stage is already set for the global control of man, money, and movement by the beast.

As wars, civil unrest, tensions among religious orders, famine, floods, and other untenable situations destablise the world as we know it, many more in pulpits and pews will bow.

The glaring absence of peace in world affairs will push many to demand and facilitate the emergence of a prominent, well-respected peacemaker for modern times, further distancing themselves from the Almighty God.

This man of peace will offer logical, tolerable, and acceptable solutions to the majority. He will be celebrated as a giant for progress—a global hero, admired and sought after by governments, nations, and fallen church leaders.

Functional atheists in pulpits will encourage congregations to accept worldly solutions to global instabilities, just as they did during the plandemic.

They will welcome the centralised management system for food in order to address famine and issues of inequity. They will promote the centralised system of natural resources and wealth and advocate for interfaith worship for what they call liberty and tolerance among religions.

The stage is being set for some parsons to champion, promote, and encourage congregations to embrace an unending variety of lifestyles and sexual practices that were once detestable to the majority in churches.

While the Coalition and the few others continue to face down the forces of darkness, those who sit in the pews must determine if they will remain under the leadership of functional atheists or separate themselves from the fallen fools.

Know this: God has given us the will to choose; He has not given us a spirit of fear. Every courageous Christian who is determined to choose God must brace for accusation, devastating persecution, and even the possibility of being dragged before adversarial courts of law and flung into prison.

Functional atheists in pulpits, unrighteous leaders of governments, and global authorities, to which they bow, will move to shut down the voice and function of the Church and enforce legislation that will threaten the very lives of Christians, the existence of their jobs or businesses, and even compromise the safety of their families.

So intense will be the unrighteous movement and unGodly enforcers that as the last days advance, even close family members who are not rightly rooted will become fearful and choose the easy way out. Some will cave in and join the agents of Satan against their own relatives who put up resistance.

The promise of God is that when these things happen, He will protect His people. His sure protection will come even when the harshest courts present seemingly undeniable charges. He will provide a solid, irrefutable defence to every accusation.

Satan will not rest; he is seeking whomever he may devour. People of God, take heed, assess where you sit, ask the True and Living God for direction, and follow.
