- The nationalistic agenda of Donald Trump, America First [Make America Great Again (MAGA)], will give space for the ‘Bear’ [Russia and allies], ‘Dragon’ [China and allies], and ‘EU’ [European Union] to advance their individual and collective agendas of ushering in a new era of “Geo-politics” and “Geo-economics.” The world we knew over the past decades—a world dominated by the dominant superpower of the United States of America (a unipolar world)—will morph into a ‘multi-polar’ world with the ‘Bear’, ‘Dragon,’ and the ‘EU 2.0’ (the United States of Europe) coming to the fore.
- The BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) Alliance will increase in stature (as many developing nations will continue to enlist), thus breaking the long-standing monopoly of the West over world commerce/economics.
- Watch the 4th Reich of Germany, influenced by the new Chancellor, who will be elected in the upcoming election in Germany. This will energise the EU to become more assertive within and without Europe.
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), a group of 32 nations, will be reformed. One of the central principles that has held the Union together since its formation in 1949—a “NATO decision” is the expression of the collective will of all 32 member countries since all decisions are taken by consensus—is set to be amended so that Europe through NATO can make decisions quickly, purportedly in the interest of all.
- Imminent action by North Korea will destabilise the Korean Peninsula and cause further instability on the Asian continent. This could force the hand of Japan and her allies, including the USA. Pray against same as there appears to be influences coming from the ‘Bear’ and the ‘Dragon’ as a diversion tactic to pave the way for the long-planned attack against Taiwan. Pray for divine intervention.
- Increased aggression from the United Nations (UN) against Israel. Also, increase in anti-semitism globally and a rise in ‘Islamism.’ The tenure of Benjamin Netanyahu is being weighed in the balance. A snap election is looming! Pray against an assassination attempt, especially through cyanide poisoning. Pray for Netanyahu’s salvation and for the will of God for his life and that of the nation of Israel to be done!
- Increased terrorist attacks globally, especially in public spaces and ports of entry! Pray for parts of the subways, bridges, and popular cities in the United States, UK, France, Spain, Canada, and Africa.
- Increased disasters globally to include major earthquakes and historic volcanic eruptions (watch the Yellow Stone Volcano—there is a rumbling in the realm of the spirit). Look out for major storms/hurricanes/cyclones/typhoons (including so-called freak storms), devastating floods, raging fires, severe droughts, continued erratic climatic conditions (snow/summer and winter in summer), as well as rare disease outbreaks in different parts of the globe. Pray against the continued manipulation of the climatic conditions by evil scientists!
- Pray for the Caribbean as the judgement of God intensifies against Caribbean islands, which have and will become enlisted in the Beast system. Major disasters (hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, flooding, civil unrest) are in the making for the following: Martinique, Monsterrat, St. Kitts & Nevis, Barbados, Bahamas, Turk & Caicos, Trinidad & Tobago, and Haiti. Intercede for our Caribbean neighbours.
- Cuba is a ‘seething pot’ and is set to boil over. Pray for the stance of the United States towards Cuba to be radically amended to include the lifting of the debilitating decades-long embargo. Pray for a revival in Cuba. Pray for foreign students in Cuba, including Jamaican students, for divine protection and provision.
- Pray for a speedy resolution between Venezuela and Guyana, as the enemy is planning a proxy war to break out between the two nations. This would spell a major disaster for the Caribbean.
- There will be a rash of snap elections in a number of nations globally as God continues to judge ungodly leaders and nations.
- A major Nuclear incident is on the horizon as international leaders grapple for global dominance. Pray against same!
- Pray against an increase in tension between India and Pakistan as well as India and China re longstanding border issues.
- A no-confidence motion is looming for UK’s Premier, Keir Starmer. If successful, it could result in a snap election. Pray against political instability in the UK.
- Canada Premier Justin Trudeau is being weighed in the balance. Calls for his replacement/removal will intensify as a result of scandals and issues re the economy/cost of living. This will make the remainder of his tenure tenuous. God is about to cause a major shift in the political landscape of Canada.