God cannot be mocked!

The races are on! Right across the globe, in nearly every sector, everyone seems to be in a mad rush for wealth, political power, corporate dominance, coveted turf, or Olympic medals. The enemy is also on a rip-speed mission to populate hell with whomever and by whatever means necessary.

Last week, millions arrived in Paris, dubbed the city of love, seeking Olympic glory or the spectacle of it, and many others to indulge in their fleshly lust. 

Drenched with heavy rains and the sabotage of the major rail service, the games of the XXXIII Olympiad officially opened in Paris with 205 countries represented by 10,500 athletes, countless spectators and administrators, and the rest of the world fully captivated and glued to their devices’ screens.

The global spectacle presented the perfect platform for the enemy to steal souls, taunt and pour his scorn on the sacred, and make a mockery of the Last Supper. 

Ungodly commentators claim that the fiasco was art, retelling Greek mythology with no intent to debase the Christian God. This foolish explanation springs from the rejection of God and the dismissal of the fact that He was before the very foundation of the earth. Mythology attempts to explain things of the spirit through man’s wild imagination and his embrace of the occult and witchcraft. The written Word of God provides the irrevocable, unquestionable account of the Creation, God’s intent, and imminent judgement.

So, with the world as his captive audience, Satan used France to desecrate, deride, and disrespect the Word of God, the Son of God, and the body of believers.

The Lord Jesus was blasphemed by the wretches who depicted Him as a woman and the disciples as transvestites. The reprobates and their agents took centerstage, putting their blasphemy on full blast to the loud applause and nodding approval of billions.

France, which has long been a key promoter and instigator of unbridled lust, is in the throes of a wicked rebellion that did not begin with the lighting of the Olympic torch and it will not end well. It did not even begin with the drama and vitriol of its recent election and the struggle to build a functional coalition government out of its nationwide dysfunction. France has been steeped in wretchedness from the get-go centuries ago. As a coloniser, that nation, along with others, robbed Africa of its people and resources to enrich Europe through the TransAtlantic Slave Trade. 

France has ensured that Haiti remains impoverished as that reprobate nation continues to demand money from the freed people in Haiti in exchange for the audacity to fight for their freedom from slavery. In 1804, Haiti made history by becoming the first independent country in Latin America and the Caribbean—thanks to the Haitian Revolution, the most successful rebellion by enslaved people in history. But in 1825, France said it would only recognise Haiti’s independence at a price of 150 million francs, the equivalent of about three times Haiti’s GDP at the time. Much of Haiti’s debt to France was the legacy of what the University of Virginia scholar Marlene Daut calls “the greatest heist in history”: surrounded by French gunboats, a newly independent Haiti was forced to pay its slaveholders reparations. 

The wretchedness of France, as was displayed by its blatant blasphemy last week, reached new levels years ago when this nation sided with others in the European Union to force African, Pacific, and Caribbean states to reject God and sign on to the unrighteous Samoa Agreement.

This country is no stranger to political upheavals, chaos, revolts, and the judgement of God. But, over the coming weeks, the French will focus their attention on the Olympics, ignoring rising political and other temperatures and giggle at the thought that Christians will now turn the other cheek after the ferocious slap in the face of their faith, which echoed across the globe.

France may never understand that the rains that drenched Paris on Olympic opening day were really a reminder of how powerless they truly are against the Living God, who has no limit and is not bound by time, space, or location. Neither is He impressed by political power, the eyes of the world, nor the presence or the performance of elite athletes.

Prophecies have made it clear that the elements of the earth will speak loudest in this season of judgment. Floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, fires, and volcanic eruptions will confound human understanding and ability to cope. No one, regardless of the number and levels of degrees they have attained, can truly claim expertise in the current times because these days are like the days of Noah. Man, who has no sense of how intense or extreme the elements of the earth can become when they are divinely activated, plays with fire and does not expect to get burned. Just as they taunted Noah about his ark, with no idea of what rain or flood could look like, they make fun of believers and blaspheme against Jesus and the Holy Spirit, scoffing at God to whom all power in heaven and earth bows. All the elements of nature—the wind, rain, fire, snow, hail, sun, and all else—must obey Him. 

Last year, the heatwave that struck Europe and the Maghreb claimed some 5,960 lives in France alone. Avalanches and fires resulted in many other fatalities that same year. Also, around 250 municipalities in northern France were declared in a state of natural disaster due to massive flooding. Communities in the Pas-de-Calais and Nord departments suffered days of heavy rain, rivers breaking their banks and floods, and residents had to abandon their homes. If France is suffering from a national memory lapse about what the judgement of God could look like, the records are available online and in their archives. Daring the Sovereign God in an Olympic opening showdown is a surefire way to ultimate demise. The people of any such nation will continue to perish because they lack understanding. 

While it is true that turmoil and turbulence are just about everywhere, impacting all nations, this flying-in-your-face blasphemy by the French will not go unpunished.

Where are the righteous in Paris to speak up and out about the mockery of the Master last Friday? Don’t they know that God cannot be mocked?

Do not be fooled; the Sovereign God is still on His eternal throne, faithful in His offer of grace, salvation, and hope to humanity, even while the fight for power and glory continues. It is not His wish that any should perish, but the judgement will come, and it will not be pretty.
