Michael W. Smith, the voice behind gospel favourites such as “Draw Me Close” and “Open The Eyes of My Heart,” has teamed up with iconic tenor Andrea Bocelli for a new film where he both testifies and sings about his faith in Christ.
Produced by Christian broadcasting network TBN, it will be in theatres from Palm Sunday (April 2) through Easter Sunday (April 9). The film, “The Journey: A Music Special from Andrea Bocelli,” follows Bocelli (who is blind) and his wife, Veronica, as they travel on horseback through the stunning hills and valleys of the Italian countryside and discuss faith, hope, and family with their friends, including Smith.
“He has a sizable fan base and, to put it mildly, amazing talent, and people pay attention. It’s fairly extraordinary when a faith and culture collide, and it’s hopeful,” Smith told The Christian Post during the movie’s premiere.
The renowned worship leader continued, “I think it’s a tremendous opportunity to be able to inform people what the truth actually is. The truth always does what? It liberates you.

“Many folks are in urgent need. People have been isolated and searching for the truth in all the wrong places because it has been a difficult two years,” Smith continued.
The Journey features performances from Bocelli, Smith, and other famous singers and musicians, including 2CELLOS, Tori Kelly, Clara Barbier Serrano, Tauren Wells, TAYA, 40 Fingers, and Katherine Jenkins, who joined him on a tour of cathedrals and burial sites of the apostles and saints.
A message Smith wants to share with the world today is that “Jesus is the answer. That’s just plain and simple.”
“I think a lot of people maybe have been burned by the church, and they’ve had some not-so-good experiences in church. I’m one of them. But it wasn’t catastrophic for me. Thank God, my mom and dad were amazing. But to me, this whole thing is about identity. It’s all about identity,” he told the Christian Post.
“When you really comprehend that Jesus is truly Who He claimed to be, you will realise that He not only loves you but also really likes you. He loves you dearly; He doesn’t just like you; He just wants to be in a relationship with you. Everything is altered!”
The West Virginian said that when people realise that God is real, their view of the world changes completely.
“I am a testimony of one who was dead and got brought back because of my Saviour and my Jesus and what He did for me,” Smith testified. “It’s propelled me. I could have never orchestrated this for the four decades I’ve been making music.”
Smith offered advice for those who are trying to figure out how to start their journey of faith: “You’re not here by mistake, and I pray that as you watch this film, something will click. You’ll reconnect, or you’ll connect for the first time, and understand why you are here because you are not here by mistake,” Smith assured.
“I believe there’s a destiny on your life, and I pray that you’ll not only sense it, but you’ll feel something well up inside of you, and then your life is forever changed.”