Grooming our children for God’s Kingdom

It is not surprising to see the *LGBTQIA+’ culture  emerging from within Disney, under the banner of ‘Diversity, Equality and Inclusion’. This agenda is

just another one of Satan’s tentacles reaching out to destroy human beings, the pinnacle of God’s creation. Genesis 1:27 “So God created mankind in His own image, In the image of God He created them; male and female He created them.”

*LGBQTIA+ —Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Queer,Transgender, Intersex and Asexual. The additional + stands for all the other identities not included in the acronym. Disney issued this statement: “Disney’s parks, experiences and products are committed to support family values of every family and will not stand for discrimination in any form. We oppose any legislation that infringes on basic human rights and stand in

solidarity and support our LGBTQIA+ cast, crew, guests and fans who make their voices heard today and every day.”

A Disney executive producer admitted she has been pushing a ‘not-at-all- secret’ agenda for children animation. She exclaimed. “I was just, wherever I could, adding

queerness. No one would stop me. No one was trying to stop me” The president of Disney’s General Entertainment says that she wants at least fifty percent of Disney

characters to be LGBTQIA+ or racial minorities by the end of this year (2024). This is Disney’s agenda to groom our children for the new norm. In the following Youtube videos you can hear these confessions and others, directly “from the horse’s mouth’. Take a look for yourselves!

– Leaked Disney Executive Footage Programming for Children – Daily Insight

– Disney’s Creepy Plans for Kids – Mark Dice

Here are just a few of the Disney movies that have LGBTQ content. In 2019 the movie “High School Musical” featured two examples of same sex couples. One character, Nina, mentioned that she had two moms.

In “Cruella” (2021) Artie is an openly gay character that interacts with the

main character, Cruella de Vil. (Can you see the real surname?)

The 2022 spinoff to Toy Story,“Lightyear” includes a female character in

a meaningful relationship with another woman and a kiss occurs between

them. As in other movies, there are blurred gender lines.

The movie “Strange World”(2022) seeks to normalize a “queer kid” character as

part of its storyline about young people finding their own identity. Ethan has a crush

on another boy from his town which he talks about openly with his parents.

In “Elemental”, Disney introduces their first non-binary character, Lake. Lake’s

use of pronouns, they/them is a start to trans and non-binary inclusion in Disney.

See the following one minute Youtube video: “All the LGBTQ Character Scenes in Disney and Pixar movies” – The QuietOne

These few examples of Disney’s programmes and movies that I have presented  are a mere drop in the tsunami of evil that floods children on a daily basis by way of television, the movie screen and primarily their own electronic devices. There is no doubt, that the “Disney-groomed’ generation will result in what Proverbs 30:11-14 call “a generation who curse their father and do not bless their mother…a generation of those who are pure in their own eyes, yet unwashed of their filth….a generation- how haughty are their eyes and pretentious are their glances…”

While we as parents and the local church cannot police the entertainment industry, we are called to protect the children over which we have influence, whether in our families, churches or communities.

We have to become ‘watchmen on the walls’ over our children’s entertainment sources. We have to take the reins regardless of the resistance from family, friends or the children themselves. I cannot reiterate enough that time is of the essence in making or erasing imprints on the wet cement of a child’s mind and heart. Unlike many of us adults, children don’t just enjoy the fantasy world of Disney movies and then move on. They are totally captivated by it and with sponge-like minds, they memorize and internalize the words and songs of  the characters which they adore. Subsequently these words and songs become part of their subconscious mind and the message they convey become the basis for the children’s attitudes and behaviours for years to come, unless the children are “deprogrammed”. The Bible calls that “being

transformed by the renewing of your mind”. I believe the first place to start is to seriously share with our children the dark side of Disney and other animations that they like watching. Do this in light of the scriptures. Discuss Disney’s agenda for

their lives as opposed to God’s purpose for them. Get their thoughts on the matter. Most children, especially if they are being raised in the church, will want to do what is right and would willingly stop watching anything that has the same agenda as Disney.

Secondly, we need to provide an alternative source of wholesome and godly entertainment. Find wholesome and godly animations/movies. Plan play days or sleepovers with friends.

As parents, caregivers, family members, we need to spend more quality time with our children. They want and need our time and involvement in their lives more than the

gifts and gadgets we give them. They would rather be entertained by us engaging them in conversation, games, roughhousing, outings, going on walks or some other activity, rather than being entertained by Disney and a plethora of other toxic networks.

Richard Evans penned this poem, “Children will not remember you for the material things you provide but for the feelings that you cherished them.”

 I ask you this question: Which Kingdom are you allowing to groom your children, God’s Eternal Kingdom or Disney’s Magic Kingdom? When all is said and done, we who have been given responsibility and influence over children will be

held accountable for what we allowed them to do or not do . Jesus warns us in Matthew 18:6, “But if you cause one of these little ones who believe in me, to fall into sin, it would be better for you to have a large millstone tied around your neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea.”

I encourage you to intentionally groom your children in God’s Word for His Eternal Kingdom so at the end of time they will hear the following words from King Jesus: , “Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the creation of the world.”(Matthew 25:34)
