Healthy, Active, Productive Ageing

“Wisdom belongs to the aged, and understanding to the old.” (NLT) Job 12:12

Every September, Jamaica celebrates Senior Citizens’ Month. The last Sunday in September is recognised as Grandparents’ Day, and October 1 is the International Day of Older Persons.


Over the past year, the senior citizens’ ministry at Tarrant Baptist Church has benefitted from presentations by entities such as the Consumer Affairs Commission and Stand-Up Jamaica. The Ministry also participated in several activities organised by the National Council for Senior Citizens (NCSC), including “Read Across Jamaica,” the Intra Parish Bible Quiz, St. Andrew Parish Sports Day, Ageing Fair, among others.

At the local level, members of the senior citizens’ ministry are integrally involved in both Kingdom Soul Patrol (which caters to children and youth) as well as the annual Vacation Bible School. The ministry also assists persons wishing to register for the GOJ’s Social Benefits pension programme, for which the minimum age is 75 years. For more requirements information, you may contact the NCSC at 876-906-9277/8.

Knowing the benefits of exercise, we encourage our members to make use of the YMCA’s seniors’ aquacise programme that is offered twice weekly. One member of our team participates, and we are trusting that more people will come on board soon. The age requirement is 60 years and over.

We thank God for saving us and caring for us (Isaiah 46:4 – NLT), and we pray that every senior citizen will be able to identify with and find comfort in the words of Psalm 71:17-19, “O God, from my youth you have taught me, and I still proclaim your wondrous deeds. So even to old age and grey hairs, O God, do not forsake me, until I proclaim your might to all the generations to come.” 

Special Note:

There is a vibrant senior citizens’ ministry that meets in the hall of Tarrant Baptist Church (TBC) every last Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. The group is called “Kingdom Ambassadors” and is a registered member of the National Council for Senior Citizens (NCSC). The theme chosen for this ministry at the beginning of 2024 is “Being the Best Me.”
