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Hearts of men will fail as new leaders are birthed

Birthing is going to be the accent in September. Things that were planted and certain plans that were set in motion, in some instances years ago and in other instances months ago, will be manifesting. In some instances, the manifestation should have been earlier, but because of prevailing circumstances in both the spiritual and the  temporal in terms of the prayers of the saints and different interventions, certain things that should have been birthed were not birthed. There is also the timing of God to consider as well. As the roller coaster continues, the different happenings will add to the intensity. The hearts of men will fail. This does not necessarily mean the physical heart only. You will see an increase in cardiac arrest where people will be having physical heart issues, including the young, because increasingly, life is becoming more stressful. It is not just going to be in one place, it will be globally  as the four elements of creation speak. God has already said that since people are no longer listening to Him through His servants the prophets, He will now speak through the four elements of creation.

As the four elements, water, fire, air and earth continue to speak even louder, the fear factor will increase, and then stress will increase. There are other existential realities including economic situations, and geopolitical situations like civil unrest, wars, increases in sicknesses and diseases. There is continued increase in the high cost of living and persecution, because more and more laws are being put in place globally, to enslave, to restrict, to oppress and to keep the masses in line, subservient and under subjection of the globalists, the elites which represents the minority, about one percent  globally. So with the birthing, a new regime will emerge and new leaders will emerge. There will be new phenomenons, so you are going to be hearing increasingly, “oh we have never seen anything like this before, or the last time this happened was 100 and odd years ago” or something like that. This birthing will affect all aspects of life and living. The roller coaster will happen right through, so the hearts of men, women, boys and girls will fail.

The mind will be impacted as hearts fail. There will be an increase in insanity and mental instability. We saw that happening since the advent of Covid-19, but there will be a further increase in mental and psychological cases. More and more people will manifest mental issues, even here in Jamaica. We are going to be shocked. These are things we have to pray about; we have to pray for mercy and that God will extend grace to manage the situation.  Some well respected people and persons of stature in our communities will be impacted. You will see them on the streets or you will hear that they are in a mental facility. They will be on medication and at times will behave in uncharacteristic ways, doing things that you would not expect them to do and you will be shocked.

The mental instability will open up more opportunities for big pharma. The Bible talks about big pharma in Revelations. The word that is used to describe big pharma is sorcery. The pharmacological industry will continue to move away from promoting good health to manipulating human beings in different ways, with the express intention to reduce global populations. This is aimed at controlling the population, while putting forward “human 2.0”, through genetic engineering, A.I. and other methods to put forward a more “superior race”. This is tantamount to sorcery and witchcraft.

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