There is a high demand for blood in Jamaica. This is as a result of the many rituals that are now taking place and the many different unrighteous altars that are operational, and are being serviced across this island of Jamaica. There is the push for revivalism, obeah and other such practices to be normalised. We have practices such as the drinking of blood and the sacrificing of not just babies, but children, and other human beings generally. There are also animal sacrifices as well.
The sacrifice of a human being, especially a baby – and to take it further, the first born is the highest sacrifice in the dark realm. The purer the individual, the more significant that sacrifice is, and this is why they go for babies. The Bible is clear, in Genesis 9 : 6, when you shed the blood of a fellow human being, your blood will be shed. The only thing that can prevent this curse is repentance. God looks at the heart, so if you are not sincere, he will know. There will however, still be consequences for you to bear afterwards.
Activities in the dark realm for the most part, especially, the shedding of blood has been largely responsible for many of the murders that have been committed and are being committed in Jamaica. There are other factors, but at the heart of this, is the thirst and the demand for blood. Once blood is shed, in the context of worship, it opens a portal. This form of worship invokes the spirit realm, and allows participants to communicate with deities. If blood is being shed during worship, then this is not true worship. It is not worship of the True and Living God, because Jesus, the Christ, the Son of the Living God, came to satisfy that once and for all. Anyone involved in this sort of practice is involved in Satanism, occultic practices and this sets in motion a cycle, and once this cycle begins, there are anniversaries.
If someone participates in a blood sacrifice, whether it is human or animal and it was done under instruction, or it was done ignorantly, you have established an altar right there. You have also established a covenant with the dark realm, which are blood sucking demons. Even before the next anniversary, there will be other demands that are made to supply the demons with blood. When the anniversary comes, there will be an even greater demand that is made, and if those demands are not met, then the forces of darkness, will in various ways, ensure that the covenant is maintained. This can happen through domestic violence, motor vehicle accidents, other forms of accidents, suicides, etc. It is a very legalistic situation.
When an obeah man does an animal sacrifice, or you make payment and receive a bath, it is not the end of it. You have now become tied to a covenant in the dark realm and the demand is now placed on you, without you even knowing it. Your family is also a part of this covenant. More demands will be made of you, starting from that moment and if you do not honour it, your life, your family and the lives of those in your community become endangered. Unless there is an interception or an intervention through intercessory prayer from a man or a woman of God, a deadly cycle is set in motion, where the demand for blood among other things, is now placed on you, placed on your family and associates and it generally spirals out of control.
In order for a witch, wizard, warlock, obeah worker, revivalist, to carry out their various rituals, they have to maintain connections with the dark realm. This is why they have the flags. The flags are portals, which attract the fallen angels. They are also connected to spiritual veins and arteries. There are demons under the ground, you have the marine spirits under the water and there are also those who fly in the cosmos.
Earth shattering things are going to be happening. You will hear phrases like “never before have we seen such things happening”, or “we have never had these things happening in over 100 years, or 50 years or in recent memories”. In the midst of this, also the exposures will continue, as you see re the Covid-19 plandemic. Those who thought it was a pandemic, you are seeing now that it was a plandemic. More and more, as the exposures, the earth shattering exposures, are presented for the world to see, you will see that it was planned, everything was planned, but they have failed, in terms of achieving the goals that they have set. They have fallen woefully short in terms of the objectives that they have set. They are busy planning again to execute yet another, and they are seeking now to put certain measures in place, that the masses will not escape, because the ultimate aim is to enslave the large chunk of humanity and to advance eugenics, to cull the global population, in other words, to reduce, drastically the global population.