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“It is God’s business!” Senior citizen rebukes governments on climate crisis as heat wave intensifies

Retinella Taylor cannot recall the exact year the Jamaican authority decided to seed the clouds to produce more rainfall, but the 88-year-old remembers vividly the devastating impact of that decision.

“They gone to touch God’s sky for rain to fall. They said they were seeding the cloud for rain to fall and rain couldn’t stop fall,” recounted the senior citizen, who said there were several reports of flooding across the island.

Cloud seeding was done in the 1970s in order to force the rain to fall during one of the worst periods of drought the country has ever experienced. Several lives were lost, according to media reports.

Much like then, Taylor believes scientists are increasingly venturing into God’s territory as they seek to find solutions to global problems, which some feel are acts of God.

“Them gone too much now into God’s business,” Taylor retorted during a brief interview with the Freedom Come Rain newspaper recently.

Scientists and government officials are seeking more ways to address climate change, which has been blamed for droughts, devastating earthquakes, and other natural disasters. Significant financial investment has been made in reducing global emissions, among other things, to stop what Christians believe is evidence of God’s judgement on the earth for disobeying his laws and precepts.

Climate change is being blamed for the unprecedented heatwave currently being experienced by citizens across the globe. Scientists said the month of June was the hottest month the US has ever recorded, and the misery associated with the heat is expected to escalate further in the coming weeks due to what experts say is a climate crisis. The heatwave has extended to several continents and has prompted appeals from doctors for senior citizens to stay indoors and for everyone to stay hydrated.

The weather is not the only thing Taylor feels is being meddled with by scientists and policymakers. The mother of five, who lost one of her children, said the increasing visits to outer space by astronauts and the widespread promotion of the homosexual lifestyle are also areas of concern.

Christians worldwide share her concern, especially as it relates to the infiltration of the LGBTQI lifestyle in every sector and the persecution of those who promote the biblical philosophy of family.

Taylor, who was raised by a single mother in Grants Pen, St. Andrew, noted that while things were tough then, the times have gotten significantly harder.

“We already knew that the time was going to be terrible, but I never knew it was going to be so terrible!” she exclaimed.

Taylor feels the neglect of God’s word has contributed to this, and so she urges Jamaicans to put God first. Unfortunately, she finds that many, including her own children, are of the view that they should seek wealth first and then serve God after this is secured.

“Is backway they are doing it.” the senior citizens said, before adding, “The Bible tells you to serve the Lord first, and he will add on everything to you that you need.”

Taylor ensured her children went to Sunday school to get biblical teachings, but even though they have veered from what was taught, she is optimistic they will return to the fold. Her eldest daughter died from a heart-related problem, while the other four are living oversees.

“The four of them that leave, I sleep with their pictures at night. Every time I get up in the night, I hold it up and say ‘Jesus, you see them. God, even if I don’t have no word to speak, you know everything Jesus,” the mother shared.

Taylor has a lot of dreams about the future, and she believes we are now in the end times. She hopes people will prioritise God.

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