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It’s “Sheaz+Grace” and “Simplygreat” at the Oasis 

By Liz Thompson

On October 7, 2023, Sheaz+Grace Collection and SimplyGreat had their official opening at the Trade Centre on Red Hills Road. Treshanee Sutton (owner of Sheaz+Grace Collection) and Warren and Carol Williams (proprietors of SimplyGreat) spent some time telling me about this wonderful business venture and ministry for the Kingdom of God.

Happiness and wellbeing, comfort, and peace emanate from this oasis that is painted in blues and greens, with the Word of God emblazoned across the walls. Neatly laid out around the store are statement handbags and footwear (for both men and women), natural hair and skin care products, clothing and hair accessories, natural teas and juices, nuts and organic fruits, pastry, sandwiches, and Jamaican sea moss.


But how did the trio get to this point? The story starts with the location of the shop. Twenty-five-year-old Treshanee Sutton, who manufactures natural products for hair and skin, had been operating from home for a while, having officially launched her business in December 2022.  When she was instructed by God, through the mouth of a prophet, to move her operations into a store, she began looking for suitable accommodation. 

But how did the trio get to this point? The story starts with the location of the shop. Twenty-five-year-old Treshanee Sutton, who manufactures natural products for hair and skin, had been operating from home for a while, having officially launched her business in December 2022.  When she was instructed by God, through the mouth of a prophet, to move her operations into a store, she began looking for suitable accommodation. The Williamses, who knew her, offered to share shop space with her as the area she had found exceeded her requirements.

This was the beginning of God’s divine collaboration.

Selling beauty, natural, and health products, the two stores cater to the total man: items for hair and skin, shoes and clothing to beautifully clad the body, and healthy formulations to help heal it of sickness and disease. There have been many testimonies of the effectiveness of these health items. A beverage consumed by a customer has helped tremendously with a health condition, and this person visits the store regularly to drink from “the healing stream.” 

It is hoped that by God’s grace, healing and deliverance will take place when people consume these drinks, which are made by another faith-walker friend of the Williamses. The couple shared that they are grateful to God for inspiring the juice manufacturer in this way and for the partnership that He has allowed to evolve between them.


Their locally-sourced products (including the purple and yellow sea moss) are branded “Simply Great,” and the plan is to promote the brand and the efficacy of the items, and to expand locally and internationally. All of this is uncharted waters for the duo, being the fulfilment of a long-held desire to operate their own business. 

Carol Williams, an evangelist, credits their 24-year-old daughter with the idea of setting-up the shoes and handbag part of the enterprise. Having observed her mother’s God-given ability to ‘mix and match’ and elicit a “double wow” for her unique personal style, her daughter suggested that she start retailing these items, which were always grabbing people’s attention.

As she disclosed how she prayed about the suggestion and discussed it with her husband, he declared, “SimplyGreat and Sheaz+Grace Collection is a brand. We have our eyes set on export. We want to help market Jamaica and generate hope that healing is possible from the things God has given us on this land.”

“It’s really the grace of God that this business has become a reality,” his wife continued. “I am encouraging someone today to just step out in faith! Eventually, I would like to have a space where I can also engage with persons on a spiritual level; where people can come in off the streets—mentally ill people, people who need a touch, who need a word, who will be impacted, and whose lives will be transformed by the presence of the Almighty God.”

Their young business partner, Treshanee Sutton, at times teary-eyed, was all smiles with her final remark: “This collaboration has been a good lesson learned of God’s awesomeness and providential care. I believe this is a form of revival for Kingdom businesses.”

Both enterprises, which were first operating online and marketed via WhatsApp, now have a home—it is an oasis, and everyone is invited to come and see, touch and fit, purchase and promote!

Located at Shop 9, Trade Centre, Red Hills Road, 876-519-6477, 893-8070, 331-2226, they can also be reached on Instagram – simplygreat_sheazgrace (Instagram).

“But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever. Amen” 2 Peter3:18


Contact Liz at

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