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Jamaicans tremble as God shakes the earth

Prophets have long declared that a massive earthquake is up ahead for Jamaica, and following a recent 5.3 magnitude earthquake, one of the country’s foremost geologists has made  a similar soundings.

 According to media reports, Professor of Sedimentary Geology at the University of the West Indies, Mona, Simon Mitchell has stated that the country could experience a potential magnitude seven earthquake. This is because Jamaica’s faultlines have suffered stress from two major earthquakes in recent times. There was a 5.6 magnitude earthquake last year October that partially destroyed homes and businesses and resulted in several schools and workplaces being shuttered. Several persons had to seek treatment at hospital for anxiety attack. Then came the 5.3 earthquake that rattled the country last Friday morning and reinforced the reality for many that an earthquake can happen at any time.

Three years ago Prophet Ricardo Bryson said he saw a vision where the buildings were tumbling down and the country was shaking due to an earthquake.

“People were screaming because of fear, and I am telling you, Jamaica, be on the alert, because God is getting ready, to send us an earthquake, judgement is coming,” he warned.

One youtuber who goes by the name Sister Kerry-Ann prophesied in 2021 that she saw a vision where Jamaica experienced a tsunami and earthquake as well.

“Sometimes when you get an earthquake in a country, they give a tsunami warning. They’ll say okay we’re issuing a tsunami warning. If they do that, you must leave the North Coast, you must get inland please,” she urged.

She said that while God loves Jamaica, the tsunami would come because of the spiritual wickedness in high places.

Monica McFarlane said that in 2022 as she was confined to bed with Covid-19, the Lord reminded her of a message he had given her in 2020 about the urgent need for repentance. As she battled with the virus, he spoke to her about his intentions.

“It is imperative He said that my people understand that I am all they need. They must repent and draw close to me. I am the way the truth,  the life and their only real hope,” she shared in a Youtube video.

McFarlane said God told her that the weapons of warfare had changed as those who practiced evil had no boundaries and so He was the only source of protection for His children. He told her the children of Satan was targeting His true worshipers but His wrath also knows no bounds and He was preparing to take action. Just when the ungodly believe they are safe, His wrath would strike.

Apostle Steve Lyston

According to McFarlane, God was particularly displeased about the fact that His commandments have been discarded and children were being especially targeted. There was wickedness against children from the womb to the grave  and this for Him was heart-rending.

“Brothers and sisters, the repeated warnings to Jamaica from prophetic voices in Jamaica and overseas have yielded responses from a relative few diligent church communities and groups, but unfortunately no national day of repentance and prayer and that is what the lord wants. Jamaica has been spared for the moment, but judgment is definitely coming. As a nation, the Lord requires us to repent and stop the wickedness that has hurt and greatly offended Him,” she said.

Prior to his death in December 2023, Apostle Steve Lyston  said that earthquakes would be making way for tsunamis in the island and in other Caribbean countries.

Apostle Lyston, who founded the Restoration World Outreach Ministries Incorporated (RWOMI), had prophesied that the country would be experiencing more shakings.

“Once God shakes a nation, whether you see casualty or not, there are always going to be major changes,” he assured, before urging people to examine themselves and repent.

“This shaking will be the beginning of a shaking that will hit the political, it’s going to hit the church; it’s going to  hit businesses; it is going to hit every sector within the nation. It’s going to hit the policies, it is going to hit the secrets among the two political parties, and it is going to hit everybody, until God gets what he wants. It is going to hit the plans that were made with foreigners that the people didn’t know [about]. God is going to remove some altars that have been holding down the people,” he declared.

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