Kingdom Youth: A story of surrender

Does God agree that you’re right for each other?

“Happy Sweet Sixteen, Sweetheart, you are such a beauty!” Aunt Cathy gushed, hugging her niece tightly. “You are my favourite niece. Did you know that?”

“I am your only niece, Auntie,” Sanaa said, chuckling; she really loved her Aunt Cathy.

“Oh, Auntie, you spoil me so much!” She giggled excitedly as she tore the wrap off her birthday gift, revealing a super-sized gift basket overflowing with beautiful goodies that she loved. And each time she pulled out an item, she thanked her aunt.


“Oh my goodness, this is my absolute favourite colour!” she screamed as she retrieved a large, beautiful purple journal from the package. On it was written in bold golden letters, “My Dreams Recorded.” Aunt Cathy smiled: “This is where you should record your dreams, my princess, so you will know when they come true.” Sanaa giggled and blushed as she said excitedly, with a low voice, “Oh yes, I know exactly where to start.” She took the matching golden pen from the journal and wrote in big, bold letters, “MY PERFECT SOULMATE.”

Aunt Cathy read it, looked at Sanaa, and said with a soberness that seemed a bit unfitting for the light, playful atmosphere they had been enjoying, “Sweetheart, write a disclaimer to anything you record about your perfect mate. God has the right to revoke.” Sanaa was having none of that. “Oh, Auntie, trust me,” she said, her voice filled with confidence, “I most definitely know what I want!” And she immediately began writing her very specific list.

Several years passed, and after a few heartbreaks, Sanaa was now at her umpteenth revision of her list. In her mind, she was a wise woman who did not waste her experiences. Each time a friendship or (romantic) relationship taught her valuable life lessons, she updated her “perfect mate list,” and now it seemed almost picture-perfect. In addition to this was Kevin, a very viable candidate.

He was a Christian, active in church. He liked her, she liked him, and he had met almost every criterion on her checklist. Things could not have been better. In fact, they started dating, and their relationship was getting serious. To make it official, she decided to advise Pastor Kim, her mentor and pastor of over ten years, about this new phase in their relationship, which was the proper thing to do, as she wanted to be accountable and receive the best counsel possible. Sanaa, however, was not prepared for the caution and disapproving feedback that she received.


She knew that this woman of God sincerely loved her and wanted the best for her, but as she listened to the counsel, she was devastated. Pastor Kim humbly shared that she felt that the union was not God-ordained and Sanaa should spend more time with THE LORD in prayer on the matter. Kevin was also devastated when Sanaa relayed Pastor Kim’s sentiments, as they were indeed having a clean, pure relationship and were beginning to fall deeply in love with each other. Despite the caution, they continued spending time with each other, secretly hoping that somehow, they would wind up in the will of God as a couple.

“Hello everyone, this is James, one of our new pianists. Please make him feel at home,” Pastor Tony, Kim’s husband, said, introducing James to the choir. Sanaa, who was the lead singer, looked over and instinctively greeted James and, like all the other members, promised to make him part of the family.

As rehearsals continued, however, she did not notice or pay any special attention to James until several weeks later, when she was informed that they would have to rehearse together for her solo piece at the church’s annual conference. “Two beautiful gifts combined for His purpose,” Pastor Tony said, as he instructed them regarding the item they were to present.

As James settled around the piano, his slender fingers waltzing across the keys, Sanaa’s attention was arrested. It was like the first time she was hearing him play, and it was beautiful…to be continued.


Do you believe that God, in all His wisdom and love, has written a detailed story for your life? Do you believe He is good and does only what is best for you? Does it have any bearing on your choices, desires, and expectations?

Follow this three-part story and let it encourage your heart to trust God in all aspects of life.

Claudette Williams is a member of Passion and Purity, a school-based Christian ministry
