Kingdom Youth: Be an example in purity

“The Pure in heart shall see God” (Matt 5:8). Over the years we have heard many young people ask concerning purity: “Is it possible and how?” There are answers. 

Growing up, we had the same questions, but we have seen how God has led us to experience purity and now want to encourage everyone to embrace it. It is great to have and keep a clear conscience and to know that your life is pleasing to God. We must say that there were times our lives were pleasing to God but displeasing to our peers because they wanted us to join them in doing wrong things. The truth is, the more of God’s purity that you embrace wholeheartedly, the more you will want to live and share it. It gives peace of mind and frees you to do the things you were created to do.


Purity is simply spiritual and emotional health that we all need and that God has graciously gifted us through His Son, Jesus Christ.

Let us now take a further look at purity. Purity is that which is clean, good, innocent, and free from guilt. It means abstaining from things that will defile or destroy your mind and body, such as drugs, illicit sex, malice, envy, unforgiveness, etc. It means hating evil. Also, it is doing the right things for the right reasons and with the right motives. For example, you may choose to become a doctor not only because it is a prestigious and financially profitable career but also because you love and care about people and want to see them well. If you choose this career for selfish reasons, your motives are impure.


It must be emphasised that living a life of purity and obedience to God releases your creative abilities and equips you to live a truly fulfilled life that pleases God. It enables you to make your most val

uable contributions to the world in which you live because what you do has Godly eternal impact and value. Purity also gives you strength of character and the boldness to do what is right. It reflects in your speech, dress, choice of music and other entertainment, the friends you hang out with, and, of course, the everyday decisions you make that impact your life and that of those around you.


Yes, it is! Purity is guaranteed as you choose to allow God to come into your life and shape your character. This is done by embracing God’s Word and following the examples and instructions of well-meaning parents, teachers, pastors, and guidance counsellors who God puts in your life. Be obedient to them as long as what they are telling you to do is right in God’s sight.


Purity is God’s design for you; it is a gift from God (James 1:17). As a youth, you will be faced with many temptations. While many youngsters question whether or not they can be pure, the truth is that you cannot be pure by yourself. You must trust God to create a clean heart in you and to help you maintain it. Psalm 119:9 tells us that a young person can only be kept pure by obeying the Word of God.

“Purity is being free to be who you are when all emotions, desires, thoughts, and actions are placed before the mirror of the Word of God, and all that is reflected is the smiling face of Jesus Christ.” Apostle Kareem Flowers (past student, Wolmer’s Boys’ School)

The Word of God is the standard by which you should judge your thoughts, motives, and actions. Look at what God says: “There is a generation that is pure in their own eyes, and yet is not washed from their filthiness.” (Prov 30:12). This scripture highlights the fact that sometimes we do things and feel justified. However, God looks at our motives, and at times He sees otherwise. What we call pure is actually unclean, dirty, messy, filthy.


Purity, as mentioned before, is a gift from God that can be maintained as you depend on Him. Impurity in your life is an offence to God, and it negatively impacts you and those around you. God wants us to be pure, and He has made it possible; therefore, we can be, and it is not unjust for Him to require the same. We must choose to allow Him to live in and through our lives by His Holy Spirit. This is the only way we can be continuously pure.

Never forget…“Will power does not change men. Time does not change men. Christ does.”

Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12

Pastors Andrew and Donnette Norman are husband and wife, as well as founders of “Passion and Purity” and “The Eternal Church of Jesus Christ – The Record.”
