Kingdom Youth: Engaged, but does God agree?

“Fading fire”

Do you believe that God, in all His wisdom and love, has written a detailed story for your life? Do you believe He is good and does only what is best for you? What bearing does this have on your choices, desires, and expectations?

Last week, we started the story of Sanaa and Kevin, a young Christian couple—in love and heading towards marriage, although their pastors are not convinced they are God’s choice for each other. James is the choir’s new pianist, and after a few weeks, he is asked to rehearse with Sanaa for her solo piece at the church’s upcoming annual conference. “Two beautiful gifts combined for God’s purpose,” says Pastor Tony as he instructs them regarding the item they were to present…

As James settled around the keyboard this time, his slender fingers waltzing across the keys, Sanaa’s attention was arrested. It was like the first time she was hearing him play, and it was beautiful.

“Wow, I never realised just how awesome you are with that keyboard,” she complimented.

“Thank God He made me able to match your beautiful voice,” James responded as they wrapped up rehearsals.

“Thank you!” Sanaa was quickly packing her things away. “I really have to go. I have somewhere to be, and I’m running late.” She was always in a hurry to go see Kevin.

Zippering the case of the keyboard, James smiled, “Sure, no problem, Sister Sanaa.”

This became their usual routine—rehearsals were great, but as soon as they ended, Sanaa was off like lightning. Her schedule was full, and her goal was to maximise every opportunity to be with Kevin, so she was often slightly annoyed at James’ insistence on having devotion before rehearsal. For her, this noble act was inconveniently cutting into her time with Kevin.

“How is it going, my dears?” Pastor Kim asked as she was passing by one evening.

“Great, great!” Sanaa hurriedly replied, as they were almost finished. She immediately regretted the tone of her response, as it prompted Pastor Kim to enter the sanctuary and take a seat.

“Have you both been praying regarding God’s assignment for this conference?”

James remained quiet and quite calm as Sanaa made a feeble attempt to respond.  She felt a bit ashamed as she knew he had been exposed to her unpleasant attitude at times during rehearsals, especially when they went into overtime.

Pastor Kim’s advice was simple: “Sanaa, if you begin to pray, you will find not only God, but you will also find His will for your life when you do.”

Sanaa instinctively glanced at James; now she was thoroughly ashamed, but as she looked at him, she could tell that he had forgiven her for her bad disposition.

“Carry on now.” Pastor Kim said while exiting the room.

Sanaa’s voice quivered, “I’m really sorry, James. I…I know my…

“It’s ok,” he interrupted. “I understand.”

Sanaa’s playful spirit surfaced for the first time since they had been working together, and she stretched out a hand, “Let’s start over. Hi, my name is Sanaa.”

They both began laughing when James shook her hand. “Let me play something that will make you feel better.”

The notes were all too familiar to Sanaa. “How did you know that is my absolutely favourite song?!” She  immediately started singing.


For the first time, Sanaa was in no hurry to leave that evening. In fact, she called Kevin to cancel their usual link-up in order to facilitate a longer practice and even ended rehearsals in prayer.

As the date for the church conference drew closer, rehearsals for both the solo and choir items became more frequent and filled with prayer and praise. Sanaa sat in awe, silently admiring how James would take the lead in times of prayer and Bible study. She saw that he was a man who had allowed God to take full control of his life.

One evening, as they were singing, the choir director asked James to substitute for the main male psalmist, who was absent. Yet again, Sanaa was astonished to discover another dimension of grace upon James. Truly, he was not just singing; he was an astounding worshipper.

The conference was a huge success—several people gave their lives to the Lord, and Pastors Tony and Kim were elated! The ministry item by James and Sanaa was exceptional, although Sanaa knew it had more to do with her increased intimacy with God than her beautiful voice.

With the conference now over, Sanaa resumed spending more time with Kevin. He had always been her rock, her point of reference, and just a fun person to be with, and although Sanaa still enjoyed his company, somehow she realised that the fire between them was fading…


Dear reader, it’s break-time! Take a look into the story of your life; have you ever noticed that intentionally engaging God and doing His will meant sacrifice? Whether time, money, personal preferences, interests, relationships, reputation, etcetera? Whatever the cost, you can rest assured that the sacrifice is always worth it when the fruit is manifested.

Consider this: the God of heaven left His perfect abode to come to fallen earth and subjected himself to death so you could have His eternal life. Can you match His sacrifice? Never! That is the epitome of love, and we are all forever indebted. Open your eyes to this great wonder of God’s love that is ever before you. Surely, He is worthy of our worship, which is simply a lifestyle of self-denial so He can have His way.

We’ll continue Sanaa’s story next week.
