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Kingdom Youth: Got lit? Stay lit and pass it on!

Recently, I was at a youth camp where I was privileged to double as a counsellor and a cook (yes, a real cook!) I witnessed God perform miracles both in the heat of the kitchen and in the hearts of the campers. Experiencing the faithfulness of God to others and, of course, to myself in this setting further stoked intercession and compassion within me.

It also reminded me of my own camp experience as a youngster. On reminiscing, it was obvious that God had also been faithful then, but what stood out even more was the revelation of myself: that I often did not reciprocate faithfulness to Him, even though I knew that His grace was more than sufficient to keep me perpetually walking in His will.

On the heels of the high of camp came a faltering faith, which really was an indictment on my part. Surely, my inner man had been set ablaze for God during camp, but weeks later, I felt that fire slowly dwindling. I began blaming it on the pressures of life (school, work, relationships, etcetera), but deep down, I knew better.

The Holy Spirit living inside me helped me identify root issues and their solutions.


The problem was not the cares of life in and of themselves, or even that my church and leaders were not doing enough; it was my own disobedience, due to a lack of faith and unbelief. I had simply stopped obeying God at different moments when He spoke. In going my own way, it became a hindrance to receiving the grace (divine influence) that I needed for spiritual growth and sustenance. I learnt the hard way that this is a very dangerous place to be as a child of God.

Disobedience not only creates enmity (rift) between me and God, but it also hinders my ability to fulfil my purpose and sets me on the course of eternal punishment. The solution was to humble myself, repent, and resolve to walk in self-denial, which is the prescription given by Jesus Himself in the scriptures to those who desire to follow after Him. 

The other issue I had was working in tandem with the first. My disobedience to God meant a simultaneous submission to the lies of the devil. There’s no grey area in obedience. Again, Jesus said it this way:

No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. Matthew 6:24


Here were some of the things the Father of lies (Satan) whispered to my heart:

  1. Camp was just a phase, almost like a moment of infatuation, a love for God that cannot be sustained, and I must return to the reality of those old habits, relationships, etcetera, that I know are not Godly.
  2. God alone could not satisfy me. I still have to entertain a little sin.

3. I was not completely delivered from sin when I repented.

4. I have to work in my own strength to stay holy.

5. I need another spiritual encounter like camp to get that fire back.

Does any of this sound familiar to you? And more importantly, can you identify the folly behind those thoughts?


Let us demolish these thoughts that seek to challenge God’s work in us, accuse Him of being a liar, and undermine His great, undefeatable power.

Believe these truths wholeheartedly, and you will see gains in your spiritual walk:

  1. Only God can satisfy my soul. (Psalm 16:11)
  2. At salvation, I was completely delivered from sin. (Colossians 2:10-13)
  3. I cannot keep myself. Only God can keep me holy as I choose to obey and rest in His strength. (John 15:5, Matthew 11:28)
  4. I don’t need another special encounter; I only need to repent and believe again what God has already done. (1 John 1:9, Revelation 2:5)
  5. The love of God was shed abroad in my heart when I was saved, and nothing can separate me from it. I am a new creation, no longer a slave to sin but an instrument of righteousness. (Romans 5:5, 8:35–39, 6:6, 12–13, 2 Cor 5:17)


After a very powerful night session at this recent camp, a few ladies asked me what to do with the fire they felt inside. My response to them and to all who read this article wondering the same post-an-intense-life-changing encounter with God is to first remember that fire is not like natural heat that is susceptible to external elements.

Rather, it is the passion and presence of the eternal God in you by the Holy Spirit. He is convincing you not just of His Presence, but also of His desire for His purpose to be fulfilled in your life.

Now, fan those flames with obedience, which is faith in action. Know that you may not always feel God to the same magnitude, but as a child of God, you are not required to live according to feelings but according to pure belief. 

Keep entertaining the things of God. Always remember the words He would have spoken to your heart and how He manifested himself to you in times past. Pray (talk to and listen for God), read your Bible, have close fellowship with people who will provoke you to righteousness, and resist the evil desire to fit in with peers, as it will result in compromising your faith.

When you return home, school, church, work, etcetera, do not be ashamed to be identified as a Christian, but be a bold ambassador for the Kingdom of God. Do not give in to the fear of falling, but remember that greater is He (God) that is in you than he (Satan) that is in the world. If you stumble, do not sit in self-condemnation, but repent

and keep pressing on in God. 

Our love for God is proven by obedience. The more we love, the greater will the fire and light in us increase, and others will see it and be drawn until they too become ignited.

So, get lit, stay lit, pass it on!

You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:14-16

Darien Callum is a member of Passion and Purity, a school-based Christian ministry.

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