Kingdom Youth: If you got it, flaunt it…really?

“If you got it, flaunt it…boy, I know you want it.” These are words from a song by a very influential artiste and a statement that often echoed by many. But whose mind is that? Is it influenced by God?

When you look at the definition for “flaunt,” it should be cringeworthy if you have the Spirit of God in you. Expressions like “show-off”, “to dress or behave in a sexually provocative manner” etc. are some of the results yielded from a Google search. Indeed, it is often used to embolden females to embrace a seductive demeanor or appearance. I can remember a coworker who said it to me when I expressed concerns about a skirt fitting me too tightly. Never does God want any of His children to agree with such a mind. One antonym (opposite) of the word flaunt is “to be modest.” Isn’t that what we are called to be?

Sisters, please don’t believe you have to put your “assets” on display in order to be “attractive.” If someone is drawn for fleshly reasons, then that should disqualify them (if you desire a Godly spouse). Daughters of the Most High are free to adorn themselves outwardly and be beautiful, but this liberty should not see us entertaining sexual immorality, vanity, or conceit, and ultimately idolatry. A preacher once said, “You are not called to be sexy; you are called to be holy.” I wholeheartedly agree with him, considering that being sexy means being sexually appealing.

Why should it bring us any delight for others to behold us in such a light? That should be exclusively reserved for our spouses in the context of marriage. Is there any part of you that enjoys the attention aroused from others based on how you carry yourself? That kind of pride or self-admiration needs a heart check. If you get dressed, observe yourself in the mirror, and think your boobs, hips, thighs, or buttocks, etc. are drawing much attention, don’t you think they will have the same or greater effect on others?


What about how we pose for photos? (Oh, the countless selfies in a day!) What expression is coming from our bodies? Is it one of seduction? Eyes squinted, lips pouted, back arched, bosom and/or buttocks hoisted? 


Do not make yourself a vessel or opportunity for the enemy to use in tempting others to lust or stumble in any way. This is not love. Let’s not conform to the mindsets and patterns of this world, even those pertaining to fashion, beauty, and masculinity/ femininity. They are ever changing and mostly anti-Christ, if we should be honest.


We live in a world where good is called evil and evil good, a culture that equates modesty to unappealing and calls it “body shaming.” In its eyes, a scantily clad or sexually provocative en flique woman, is free, confident, and desirable. (Check out “the lavishly made-up baddie aesthetic” online.)

Why are clothes with room, coverage, and/or reasonable length despised? We must allow the Lord to renew our minds so we can see from His perspective and rightly judge what is acceptable.


If you are a Christian, then no, it’s not your body to wear or do whatever you please. It is the body of Christ. You are His temple. Sexual purity is not just abstaining from sex before marriage but honouring Him with your body and mind, even in this wise. Of course, it is possible for someone to dress modestly and still not have a pure heart in the sight of God but that is not the focus of this article, neither does it diminish what is being shared.

There is a beauty in holiness that is reflected from the inside out, impacting our mannerisms and even how we dress. It applies not only when we attend church but also at school, work, the beach, running errands, playing sports, at home in our yards or communities, etc. It is who we are. It is a standard without place or occasion for compromise. If earthly royals are called to dress with dignity, how much more us who are of the heavenly Kingdom, children of The King of kings?  

This call to modesty is for ALL who are in Christ, male and female, of every age. Be set apart as vessels of God, not drawing glory to yourselves but to Him.

Kimoy Callum is a member of Passion and Purity, a school-based Christian ministry. 
