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Kingdom Youth: Music can heal or harm

Cease, my son, to hear the instruction that causeth to err from the words of knowledge. Proverbs 19:27.

Micheal Brown, author of the book Revolution, states that “music not only reflects the heart and mind of a generation but gives direction to that generation, shaping its desires and inspiring its dreams.”

Music is one of the most powerful and effective means of transferring messages. Might I add, transferring spirits? Yes, music ultimately has spiritual impact. David played music for a man, and it relieved him of an evil spirit (1 Samuel 16:14-23).

What kind of music are you listening to, singing, writing?  Let’s be praying for more anointed songwriters, musicians, producers, singers, etcetera, who are wholly devoted to God’s service that they may bring God’s righteous influence into this world.

For centuries, music has been used for reasons such as transmitting culture, enhancing worship, accompanying rituals, releasing healing, and for entertainment. Although music can be enjoyed without lyrical content, it is primarily the lyrical content that expresses the message one is sending to an audience. God loves music and created it for His pleasure and glory. He desired that we use it for many reasons, including having good, clean fun; worship; and creatively expressing the gifts He has given us for the good of others. He has expressly told us that whatever we do in word or deed must be done to the glory and honour of His name. (Colossians 3:17)

Some of the significant ways in which we exhibit our spirituality, or lack thereof, in public are in our conduct, speech, dress, and choice of music. Therefore, it can be said that one’s choice of music reflects one’s values. According to Bill Jackson, the trend has been to give people what they demand and what sells. Sexual promiscuity (fornication, adultery, deviation), violence, drugs, and drinking are all glamorised and glorified in much of today’s music.

This is an offence to God.

In direct contravention of God’s Commandments, the content of most of the music consumed today is a tribute to darkness—idolatry, alcohol, drugs, rage/hatred, self-indulgence, marital infidelity, materialism, pride, etc. Do you believe that you can listen to this type of music and your life is not impacted by it? That you can enjoy it without any consequences? That it’s just music?

The truth is, all things in life are inspired either by the Kingdom of Light or the Kingdom of Darkness—each having its own agenda. The latter is on a mission to steal, kill, and destroy, while the other is about true life, peace, purity, and all that pleases God. Therefore, whichever you choose to engage will be your portion. Galatians 6:7 puts it this way: “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”


By the same token, it is all the more imperative that Christian young men or women keep their minds free from the evil portrayed, and in a large measure glamorised, in today’s music. Because music transfers positive or negative messages (or “energy,” as some might say), it will encourage listeners to embrace certain vices or virtues.

A vice is an evil or wicked act or conduct, an evil, degrading practice or habit. On the other hand, a virtue is not just high moral standards but the proven character of Christ. “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” Philippians 4:8

The Bible commands us to take heed of what we hear. If the music you listen to promotes, teaches, encourages, or celebrates vices, such as fornication, adultery, pornography, lying, stealing, murder, malice, gossip, and unforgiveness, then you need to reconsider listening to them.

To say you are entertained by filthy music but live a clean lifestyle is deception. Put it this way, the demonic inspiration behind this type of music does not take leave when you hit pause or stop on the music. Its influence continues in your mind/heart as there is no rest in the spirit realm; they know no boundaries.

And when you partake and give approval to these things (delight in them), God will lay this to your charge. (Romans 1:28-32)

Of course, those who produce unclean music will also be held accountable for being vessels of dishonour in producing that which incites others to stumble and sin. Many performers and artistes are void of sound character; their lives sometimes bear testimony to the waste and mayhem caused or wreaked by these lifestyle choices.  It must also be highlighted that some of these persons are often misguided because it is not expected that a well-thinking and God-fearing person would want to contribute to the furtherance of spreading negative messages.

Again, I say, music that teaches or encourages the abovementioned vices is wrong, offensive to God, and will certainly pollute and defile your spirit and corrupt your mind.  Be careful what you listen to, for whatever you put in your heart is what will come out of your mouth and be reflected in your lifestyle. Proverbs 4:23 tells us to keep our heart pure, for out of it come the issues of life.

The music you choose to listen to should have a positive eternal impact on your life. This impact of good, clean, and Godly music far outweighs the impact of negative music, simply because it is from God. Here are just a few things that it can do:

Reinforce Godly behaviour

• Accentuate the positive 

• Share kind and loving sentiments

• Heal or restore your emotions 

• Engender pure and creative expressions in the arts (example: in dancing, painting,    etc.).

• Most importantly—express worship to God—the One who created music!

If the music on your playlist is not what would please God, then you need to discard it.

Since your choice of music directs your thoughts, this is one way to love Him with all your mind.  “As a man thinks in his heart so is he.”  Proverbs 23:7

Andrew and Donnette Norman are co-founders of Passion and Purity, a school-based Christian ministry.

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