Kingdom Youth: Sweet sixteen!

 “Passion and Purity,” prayers, and plates

Passion and Purity hosted its inaugural prayer breakfast on Saturday, July 13, 2024, at the Summit Hotel in Kingston. Members/ representatives, partners, youth, and other supporters gathered to celebrate the sixteenth birthday of this school-based Christian ministry. Birthed in the hearts of Pastors Andrew and Donnette Norman, both educators, Passion and Purity has many adult members who first came to Christ as teens through the entity’s outreach in their schools.

When Pastor Donette was asked, “We know that COVID-19 would have negatively affected operations as schools were closed for quite a while, but approximately how many schools have you impacted since you started the ministry?” She responded, “It’s difficult to say. Only God can measure lives impacted because our books, videos, and television programmes go where we cannot.”

Passion and Purity is fueled by prayers; hence, the theme of our prayer breakfast was “Strategic Prayer,” which may be summarised as prayers that are firstly Spirit-led, according to the will of God, and therefore guaranteed His answer. It is also hearing and moving in real time with God’s instructions.

“Here’s My Worship” by PP Dancers

There were three praise and worship segments, two that were led by Minister Andrea McCurdy, the other by a team of Passion and Purity Praisers. Each segment was like a rich filling that bonded multiple layers of other expressions of ministry.

Equally refreshing and impactful were the prayers offered—prophetic, intercessory, passionate outpourings from repentant hearts for families, youth, missions, the nation, leaders of all kinds, Passion and Purity itself, and other youth ministries, even other intercessors.


Favourite Jamaican breakfast dishes like mackerel rundown, ackee and saltfish, stewed chicken, ground provisions, and fried dumplings, along with an assortment of options for tea as well as cool fruit juices, were seamlessly sandwiched between times of prayer.

Just before the first breaking of bread, Passion and Purity dancers ministered to “Here’s My Worship,” sending the reminder that all we should do unto God in our lives is worship, marked with fervent prayers, praises, and thanksgiving. A vibrant and encouraging video presentation of sixteen years in review of the ministry’s work and achievements was shown while everyone dined.

Mr Duane Taylor – Guest Speaker

On the heels of food and fellowship, there were deeper strides in the Spirit as more prayers were lifted up. Subsequently, we soared another level in praise and worship just before Mr. Duane Taylor landed with an ‘eagle eye’ exhortation on strategic prayer. Needless to say, the message paved the way for a sober, steady pilgrimage through the Word of God. 

One takeaway from what he shared was our need as Believers to seek God’s perspective so we can target root issues in prayers rather than just tackling symptoms. He also instructed us that prayer is a lifestyle we are called to as children of God, and it requires much humility, discipline, and sacrifice if we are to pray effectively. Much of his exhortation bore witness to the word that we (Passion and Purity) had been discussing in private group settings via WhatsApp for many weeks prior.

We give all glory and thanks to God for this awesome milestone! Soon, it will be three weeks since our sweet sixteenth birthday celebration, and we are still basking in and building on this move of God. Many thanks to all those who served and supported. If you missed it, you can find a recording on our YouTube channel, “Passion and Purity Jamaica.” 

We do hope you will join us for the next one, but until then, we encourage you to connect and partner with us as we make other moves to invest in our youth, teaching them to find their passion and embrace their purity in and only through Jesus Christ—the true strategy for success. 
