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Open letter to  Mrs. Marlene Malahoo Forte

Dear editor,

First, I commend Mrs. Marlene Malahoo Forte. God bless you for your passionate disclosure and stance against abortion, for making yourself vulnerable and making your opinion known in a public space!

There is great value and authenticity in your personal experience! Mrs. Forte, you have an amazing story; a bestseller book is on the inside of you. Please write a book, make a movie, and let your mother’s experience become a global story (personal testimony) from Jamaica. Revelation 12:11… They overcame him (Satan) by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony; and loved not their lives unto death.

Thus, bringing all the glory to the almighty God, the creator, the giver and sustainer of life.

 The question arises: should this have been said and done?

 Beloved! Within your education, training, and career path, there are sets of values that make you who you are. The same foundational values, if it is based on Biblical truth, will mean you are on the right path. You will need to continue to grow and wax strong on that righteous path. It will indeed influence your public operations, your decisions on issues (both moral and legal), and your overall world view.

 But if you are on the other side, you are without the knowledge of the truth, like Saul in the Bible, who did things based on his level of exposure and knowledge and arrested, imprisoned, persecuted, and killed believers in Christ Jesus until the grace and power of God met him. It was a process to come to the knowledge of Christ, salvation, and transformation, and he became Paul the Apostle. His public life is there in the Epistles for all to read, learn, and do likewise.

However, there are those who are neither here nor there and with whom everything goes. Double standards are so common in their public operations. It lends to a leader lacking what makes a good leader, such as integrity, honesty, accountability, commitment to the call of duty for the nation and citizens, conscientiousness, etc.

 Many flip-flop in different scenarios. There is no solid ground on which to stand. What you believe and who you are influence your public operations and the delivery of your duties.

 May the Lord help us, we pray. We need righteous, honest, and God-fearing leaders in Jamaica and the nations of the world. We must continue to seek God’s help for such people to be established in positions of authority.

 In conclusion, Mrs. Forte, God will stand with you. All you need is to stand strong where and when it matters most, with the Lord and the remnant army. Do not be afraid of their faces, voices of hatred, mockery, and persecution. The Lord is with you as a mighty terrible one. Even before you were born, the wicked one, Satan, attacked you and your dear mother. God bless her soul. Today, you are the seed of the woman, born for a divine destiny and purpose. Do not allow them to intimidate, bully, or push you into the hell of darkness. Be strong, stand up, speak out, and take a bow for the Lord, your faithful and loving creator.


Prof. Patience Bazuaye-Alonge, 

Professor at the Northern Caribbean University

Senior Pastor and Elder, Evidence of the Gospel Ministries Jamaica

Association of Christian Communicators and Media (Member)

Email:[email protected]

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