Letter to the Editor: Concerns Over Excessive Screen Time For Children

Dear Editor,

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the prevalent trend of children spending excessive time with gadgets in hand. I believe it’s crucial to address this issue before it becomes a long-term problem for our children’s well-being and development.

In recent years, the pervasive presence of screens in children’s lives has become alarming. From smartphones to tablets, these gadgets have become constant companions, often overshadowing physical activities, social interactions, and even essential aspects of childhood like imaginative play. This over-reliance on screens not only hampers their social skills but also affects their physical health and cognitive development.

Research consistently highlights the adverse effects of excessive screen time on children. Extended periods of screen exposure have been linked to various issues such as obesity, sleep disturbances, attention problems, and delays in language and social skills development. Furthermore, the content they are exposed to on these devices, if not monitored carefully, can have negative psychological impacts and influence their attitudes and behaviours.

As a society, we must take collective action to address this issue. Parents play a crucial role in regulating their children’s screen time, but they also need support from schools, policymakers, and the wider community. Educational institutions can integrate digital literacy programmes to teach children about responsible gadget usage and the importance of balanced screen time. Moreover, policymakers should implement regulations to limit advertisements targeted at children and ensure that online content is appropriate and safe for young audiences.

Fostering environments that encourage physical activity, outdoor play, and face-to-face interactions is essential for mitigating the harmful effects of excessive screen time. Community initiatives, such as sports programmes, recreational activities, and family-friendly events, can provide alternatives to screen-based entertainment and promote healthier lifestyles for our children.

It is very important that we address the issue of excessive screen time among children before it becomes ingrained in their daily lives. By promoting awareness, providing resources, and creating supportive environments, we can help our children develop into healthy, well-rounded individuals who are not overly dependent on gadgets.

I am,

Donna Powell
