Letter to the Editor: Diplomatic Bullying

Dear Editor,

I am so proud of Minister Kamina Johnson Smith and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for standing up to the United States, who seem to be flexing their diplomatic muscles to undermine Jamaican law and impose same-sex “marriage” contrary to the will of the electorate. In a shocking admission, State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller added fuel to the fire by stating that the United States has issues with how Jamaica treats same-sex “marriage”; and the possibility that a homosexual diplomat may not be able to have his “husband” get diplomatic privileges is concerning to them. As weird as this apparently hypothetical preoccupation sounds, there is a document that governs the interactions between nation states as it relates to culture, values and laws: the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. It is clear that the United States is in breach of at least three articles: 3.1.e, 9, and 41.

Flagrant Disregard for Diplomatic Protocols
Article 3.1.e states that the aim of the relationships should be to promote

“friendly relations between the sending State and the receiving state and developing their economic, cultural, and scientific relations.” The US is showing hostility towards our culture and values. Article 9 states that “The receiving State, (Jamaica), may, at any time and without having to explain its decision, notify the sending State,(The United States), that the head of the mission or any member of the diplomatic staff of the mission is persona non grata or that any other member of the staff of the mission is not acceptable.” In other words, the United States cannot coerce the acceptance of anyone, and Jamaica is not obligated to explain her decision to withhold acceptance. It also highlights the two acceptable options that the sending state has. “In any such cases, the sending State shall, as appropriate, either recall the person concerned or terminate his functions with the mission.”

A central point of contention
Article 37, which applies specifically to diplomatic immunity being granted to family members of diplomatic staff, states that “The members of the family of a diplomatic agent forming part of his household shall enjoy the privileges and immunities specified in articles 29 to 36.” It seems that at the core of the diplomatic row is the fact that a family according to the United States’ laws and culture and a family according to Jamaica’s laws and culture are two very different things. How does one reconcile such a situation? What guidance is there to navigate these cultural nuances? The Vienna Convention again comes to the fore as an independent arbiter, stating in article 41 that “it is the duty of all persons enjoying such privileges and immunities to respect the laws and regulations of the receiving state. They also have a duty not to interfere in the internal affairs of that State.” Again, the obligation is on the sending state to respect the laws and regulations of the receiving state.

The Disrespect
By attempting to send a diplomat who is in a same-sex “marriage” and asking that his “husband” be recognised by the government, the United States of America is disrespecting the laws of the nation and interfering in the internal affairs of Jamaica in direct breach of this article. The reported retaliation by refusing visa extensions amounts to nothing less than bullying. All this in the name of same-sex marriage, something that did not even exist in the United States ten years ago and the advent of which has led to a predictable acceleration of the deterioration of the social fabric of the United States. This is exemplified by the attempted promotion of radical gender ideology towards toddlers, the reign of hormone therapy, the surge of sex change surgery, and an over 4000% rise in gender dysphoria since the same-sex marriage ruling in 2015.

Solid Congrats
The stance of Minister Kamina Johnson Smith, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, and the Jamaican government against this global contagion and the decision that conforms to the views, laws, and constitution of the Jamaican people is worthy of highest commendation. It is a people who stand by their constitution who are worthy to be called nation states. Those who go against their own constitution do not deserve such a title, but rather should be called colonies of foreign lands.

Dr. Daniel Thomas
Love March Movement

Nadine Harris:

View Comments (2)

  • Firstly, how has the Minster of foreign affairs or the government as a whole stood up in resistance against the United States?!!!
    Remove the blinders from your eyes!! Let's not be fooled by the government's electoral strategy, they are using mere deception so as not to become more unfavorable to the Jamaican body politic.
    Less we forget, this is the same government that has been gleefully accepting millions of dollars in funding from the United States and Canada to support Gender and LGBTQIA+ initiatives in the country. This is the same reprobate Andrew Holness that went on international media and made known to the world that he would not oppose having gay persons in his cabinet. Remember it was just a few months ago that the University of the West Indies was in a predicament with some of its staff over their gender policy and the introduction of new gender courses.
    So clearly, the only stance the government has made is one that is anti-black and economically driven, in that they are willing to welcome LGBTQIA+ indoctrination especially if it comes with financial gain. This stance is supported by the local white and chinese advisors to the government who along with generally subscribing to such practices, don't plan to lose their US visas or suffer economic sanctions from the US, plus they will need somewhere to go after they have finished destroying the Jamaica. Neither are the hypocritical, cowardly negro masses willing to suffer the consequences of standing up against cultural imperialism from white America, so they will keep silent and sacrifice their dignity and their humanity for America's pot scrappings.

  • I am trying to detect whether your article is tongue-in-cheek sarcasm, a piece of sordid irony or just a feeble attempt at weaving an untenable piece of pro-government deception. I have not heard of that piece of news item where the "prime minister" and his team stood up to America over the recent sexual immorality issue. Try your best, Andrew will bow, he came to power with no legs below the knees and a preemptive bend along the spine. You and every Jamaicans know that ,he is stalling for time-After the election if he wins, sodomy will be a non-issue. The only thing Andrew and his administration is resolute about is maintaining his economic apartheid.