Letter to the Editor: Farewell to Betty Ann Blaine

Dear Editor, 

The Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society (JCHS) is deeply saddened by the death of child advocate Betty Ann Blaine. Betty Ann’s involvement with the causes relating to children is legendary.

Her deep faith in God was the impetus behind her unapologetic defense of the Judeo-Christian worldview and her willingness to fight for the most vulnerable members of the society.

Betty Ann never sought the shelter of popular public opinion but stood solidly with proponents of the sanctity of life and the social benefits of the committed monogamous heterosexual union.

While we grieve her passing, we applaud her for fighting the good fight, keeping the faith and finishing her course.

She has left a legacy that is worthy of preservation and expansion.

Au revoir Betty Ann Blaine! Well done!

I am,

  Dr Wayne West         

  Shirley Richards         

(Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society)
