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Letter to the Editor:  Feeling exploited by JPS after unusually high bill

Dear Editor,

I am writing to express my deep dissatisfaction with the outrageous bill that was sent by the Jamaica Public Service for August. I knew this was coming as checks with other residents in my community showed that two weeks before the bills were generated, JPS was sending out text messages stating that they were all 10 percent higher than their last bill.

Considering the month before the bill was estimated and many were expecting refunds, it is highly suspicious that so many persons were 10 percent higher than their last bill.

I did nothing differently this month that warranted an increase, and yet my bill was $8,000 higher. Checks with friends saw them with bills up to $30,000 higher.

I must say that I feel that we the people, are under siege, being hijacked, and the government is allowing them to do whatever they want with us.

It is particularly frustrating that, despite many complaints from myself and other customers, there seems to be a persistent lack of transparency and responsiveness in addressing our concerns. Customers strongly feel that we are receiving unfair charges, yet JPS is not taking any significant steps to investigate or resolve these issues. The defence is that because the US dollar rate increased, more energy was being used.

The situation has reached a point where it feels as though we, the customers, are being taken advantage of. The discrepancy between our actual consumption and the amounts charged raises serious questions about the accuracy of your billing system and the integrity of JPS operations. It is unacceptable that so many of us are left feeling exploited, with no adequate recourse or resolution offered.

Honestly, the government should make it easier for persons to get solar systems, take the tax off so that the little man can start to transition with two or three panels and batteries, and gradually work their way off the grid.

I am,

Fed-up customer

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