Letter to the Editor: Is the JCF ushering in transgender ideology?

Dear Editor,

I note with interest the directive recently issued by the Commissioner of Police  to members of the JCF that “correspondence and communication will no longer refer to any member by their gender in terms of their rank” .  Now without doubt every person should be equally recognised for his/her work irrespective of the sex of the individual. Equally however, it is foolish to forget that  males and females are different and that these differences matter.  According to the Commissioner  “there is no need to differentiate members based on gender.” 

What is of concern is that the Commissioner has called into aid the notion of  “gender neutrality”   as the basis for his directive (see the press release placed on the JCF’s website).  This issue of  “gender neutrality” has in other jurisdictions set in motion attempts to erase valid distinctions between the sexes. It facilitates  males  who “identify”  as females with one result being that  these males are permitted to use female bathrooms. 

One’s suspicions are further raised by the Commissioner’s aspiration  that this directive  “will undoubtedly serve as a beacon for other institutions, both within Jamaica and internationally, to follow suit in recognizing and respecting the service of all individuals in a manner that transcends gender.” Being mindful of the gender confusion that is now sweeping western civilization, one could be forgiven for wondering whether this is not a cleverly orchestrated and deceptive move intended to usher in transgender ideology within the JCF and the wider society.

I am,Shirley Richards

