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Letter to the Editor: Is the PNP rooting for a defeat with gender neutral utterances?

Dear Editor,

As we approach the “silly season” or upcoming general election, we have to pay special attention to the utterances of politicians.

Seemingly, members of the PNP are still in shock at their own strong showing in the recent local government elections and are determined to erase any momentum they may have. It does not matter which party one supports, having a strong opposition party is crucial for the effective functioning of a democracy. Since February 2024, however, some members of the party have been bent on scoring “own goals” as we head for the general election next year. The latest “own goal” is a current member of parliament from the PNP asking for rape to be redefined in “gender neutral terms.” This is not a new topic in Jamaica, as it was extensively reviewed years ago and was rejected because such a change would ultimately impact the definition of marriage and would result in same-sex marriages being legal in Jamaica. Any such change in the definition of marriage must be taken by the people of Jamaica and not  be determined by a select few in parliament.

There would be more respect for those pushing the proposal now if they would state their ultimate end goal of legalising same-sex marriage rather than using the “fig leaf” of protecting human rights. There are already legal punishment modalities to address buggery, sodomy, and grievous sexual assault in Jamaica. Why do politicians think it is their duty to force their own views on us? Our country is a democracy, not a totalitarian society, and no politician can simply force his or her so-called ‘progressive’ (I think ‘backward’) views on us.

The people demand a say in this matter. We realise that much of the push for certain changes to our laws and constitution is being influenced by external forces, big-money sponsorship, and self-aggrandisement.

The PNP was quick to come out in the “own goal of increase in GCT” case to state that the senator was not speaking on behalf of the party. Instead of focusing on issues such as corruption, crime, and the chaos in the healthcare system, we are getting media coverage of the “PNP’s support” for the repeal of the Buggery Act and the redefinition of marriage. This is an “unwinnable” position for the general election in 2025, as the subjects mentioned have been routinely rejected by the majority of Jamaicans, who hold very strong traditional views on marriage.

It is time for the PNP to do an internal assessment to determine whether or not there are those among them “rooting for a defeat” in 2025. I further add that the JLP itself has already proudly revealed that they too are “rooting for a defeat.” 

Editor, with such a dismal reality staring at us as a nation, where does this leave us?

Obviously in a state for a new wind of change to blow…

I am,

Marsha Thomas

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