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Letter to the Editor: Our children – the key to reigniting our nation to greatness

Dear Editor,

When Jamaica celebrated her 60th Anniversary of independence in 2022, the theme “Reigniting A Nation For Greatness” was chosen. This theme will always be relevant as the goal is yet to be achieved.  So let’s revisit it. 

There is no question that our children are key to reigniting Jamaica to greatness if they are raised with the principles of greatness.   I believe most of us would agree that these are to be found in the Bible.

Our National Anthem provides us with some directions. 

  • It identifies the Source of greatness, God, the Eternal Father who blesses nations and makes them great.   “Eternal Father Bless Our land”
  • It asks for the guidance of God’s mighty hand- God’s Word that gives directions for  victorious outcomes.  “Guide us  with Thy Mighty Hand”
  • It cries out for God to be a perpetual light for us, keeping us free from evil influences of the dark world.  Psalm 119:105 – Your Word is a lamp to my path and a light to my feet.   “Keep us free from evil powers, Be our Light through countless hours.”
  • “Knowledge, send us Heavenly Father, Grant true wisdom from above”    This knowledge and wisdom we are asking for is given to us in God’s Word.  There, we can find principles, values, policies and strategies for success in self-governance and interpersonal relationships,  in marriages and family life, in business and economics, in education and government, in agriculture and medicine, in fact, in all things that pertain to life on this earth.

Wow! All of that is in the Bible and for what reason?  Because God, the Creator of  the universe, decided that He was going to establish a pattern of a Nation on earth  “whose God is the Lord”. A nation where He, Himself would be King ruling with His laws and policies that make nations great.  It would be a pattern for other nations to follow and become great also. God said to Abraham, the father of the nation of Israel,   “…I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you.” (Gen.12:2)

But there is a condition for this greatness and its blessings- Deu. 28. tell us “ If you fully obey the Lord your God and follow all His commandments, all these blessings will come on you and accompany you”.  The greatness of nations is embedded in the obedience of its citizens and leaders to God’s commandments .

One of God’s key commandment to make and keep the nation of Israel great is found in Psalm 78:5

“For he issued his laws to Jacob and He gave His instructions to Israel.  He commanded our ancestors to teach them to their children so that the next generation might know them… so that each generation should set its hope anew in God, not forgetting His glorious miracles and obeying His commands.”

This plan of keeping a nation blessed and great by diligently training each generation of children in God’s Word is not something old-fashioned. Obsolete or unrealistic.  Neither is it irrelevant in this  twenty-first century, ultra-modern, technological world. No! The principles and commands of God are timeless and eternal and will bring blessings and greatness to any generation and any nation that will obey them. Psalm 33:12 “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord…”

I am,

Donna Werdenie

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