Letter to the Editor: The goodness of God

Dear Editor,

Jamaica, Jamaica, land we love, we once again have experienced the awesomeness of God!

Hurricane Beryl is not something anyone wants to hit their country constantly.  Beryl was heading straight to Jamaica, with its forceful winds.  Most people, if not all, had done some preparation this time around, not taking any chance with a Category 4 hurricane.  Some people felt helpless, but many were praying for the best. 

God, in His great love and power, caused the strongest winds to go up in the upper atmosphere, so that these strongest winds passed over Jamaica.  All we got were minimal winds and not what  a Category 4 realy offers.  This is the God we serve.  He remembers His remnant and He extended His mercy which we do not deserve.  

Jamaica, this is another sign for this country to get back on track to repent, to acknowledge God, and to submit to His gracious will.  Do not take His grace for granted.  It is a call for repentance and recommitment to the Almighty God.  Repent Jamaica!  Repent and humbly come back to the Almighty God.  He is patiently waiting for Jamaica to repent.  No more delay.  Come back to the Almighty God.

To God, the Father, and to Jesus Christ, and to the Holy Spirit, be praise, glory and honour, forever and ever.  Amen!

I am,

Sonia Fay Buckland (Mrs.)
