Dear Editor,
The fight for control of the airwaves is constant, and it becomes more intense especially in times of war and religious persecution.
Various messages compete for dominance. The truth is hidden among fiercely competing agendas.
Mass media, which includes news, social media, movie production and even popular music are all employed to champion the causes of the secular. While Christianity employs these media facilities, it does so on a much smaller scale that the secular. Mass media, whether secular or Christian, hand a megaphone to the voiceless, levelling the playing field so that big monied interests and no-monied interests aka the poor, have fair access to the public discourse.
Well, that is how this should work in an ideal world. But it is not so in the real world, where those with big monies dominate and dictate policies that affect the masses.
Often times, mass communications through newscasts, advertisements and entertainment deliver direct and indirect messages with a view to influence thought, change opinions and instruct decisions.
Secular entertainment in particular, seeks to create a false reality and builds kingdoms, create heroes, establish idols and idolatry and even gods.
Hollywood has spent billions in building an impression of the US as a world super power and its culture as the dream that all humanity should seek.
Social media is a more intense operation that allows any and everybody to become influencers promoting false impressions to impress the impressionable. Life in many households, is centred around the television, social media and movie channels. And in too many cases, children take their instructions from fictiticious characters on these platforms.
It is no wonder that the Bible calls the enemy the Prince of the power of the air. The enemy bombards the airwaves with his messages of disobedience to the Word of God, discontent, fear, drunkenness, over-indulgence, sinfulness covered in a promise of happiness, false prosperity and gender confusion among others.
These messages ring out in high decibels in media, and often question the very existence of God through limited human logic.
The Christian voice is drowned out in the noise. It is time for Christians to move forward and dominate mass media, so that all and sundry can hear the good news of the gospel in these end times. Nothing should be spared in achieving this.
I am,
A Christian journalist on the frontline