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Letter to the Editor: We cannot please God without faith

Dear Editor,

Trust is a big deal. Some people claim that trust has to be earned. It cannot be given away for free. While this may be true, despite the hard evidence of God’s existence and His love for humanity, many still find it difficult to trust Him. 

Nature, by itself, presents hard evidence of God’s existence, but this does not prevent some from questioning this truth.

People have been feeling the earthquakes, and for a moment they tremble in fear and cry out to God. But as soon as things settle back to normal, the fear goes and they stop believing in God.

These same people, like the rest of us, wake up every morning to sunlight, enjoy the majesty of mountain ranges, bask in the wide variety of beautiful plants and enjoy animals in their various forms, yet they look past the fact that these things tell the story of creation and the Creator.

From the first day of Creation when God instructed the sun to shine, when He spoke into the darkness and commanded light, that massive star has remained under divine instruction. Every single day, it rises in the morning and sets in the evening. So certain are we that the sun will rise that we make plans for days to come. We have no idea if we will wake up in the morning, but we are dead sure that the sun will rise. It is as if we trust the sun to rise more than we trust who causes the sun to rise.

We not only trust nature to do what God instructed, we trust other people around us to do what people do, well, at least until they prove that they do not always live up to our expectations.

So when Christians sometimes experience doubts about their religious beliefs, it begs the question, are these doubters really Christians?

These same Christians will speak about plans they have for tomorrow and next year with absolute certainty and will go about their business as if they can determine what lies ahead.

When God counted Abraham’s faith in Him for righteousness, it was serious business. The Word is very clear, without faith in God, there is no pleasing Him.

Whether one claims to be Christian or not, failing to believe in God and trust Him at His word will land them in hell.

We must always remember that God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son, that whomsoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

There is only one way to heaven, and it is through Jesus, the Son of the True and Living God.

I am a Believer.

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