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Letter to the Editor: WHO did a terrible job during COVID-19

Dear Editor,

The World Health Organization (WHO) has had an advisory role in the past in recommending what nations under its oversight should do.  During Covid-19, it did a terrible job, because it advised 194 countries to use experimental vaccinations, which caused sufferings and death.  Here are a few testimonies from medical doctors and nurses and those who administered Covid-19 vaccinations and saw its bad effects.

Tina W.  (First Responder)

I am a pharmacist and I am required by the company I work for to vaccinate. I was not mandated to get the vaccine (but I may as well have been – because of the backlash against those who were not vaccinated). I have witnessed several patients pass out after being vaccinated, several have had shortness of breath, and I did have to call the EMT’s for 2 people. I have experienced some long term effects since being vaccinated- fever and chills ‘out of the blue’, mood swings, headaches, extreme exhaustion and heaviness in my chest. The joint pain is the worst of all; the symptoms that I have now, it’s miserable and I really wish I could find relief for that. I’m sorry that so many have had bad reactions and that we are all being censored.

Tina B. (Nurse)

There seems to be no decrease in the transmission of  the disease. There are hospitalized patients with the vaccine and Covid. The worst of the pandemic was over in the summer of 2020.  In the local New York area, admissions were down in the hospitals prior to the vaccine being made available.

Ruth W. (Nurse)

I am a nurse practitioner who had a vaccine reaction. Others have spoken to me and have told me of various muscle pain that they have had since the vaccine, and that no one is acknowledging or relates it to the vaccine.

Karen W. (Medical Professional)

I work in andrology in a fertility clinic. The rumours about the increase in miscarriages is not a rumour. It’s real. We are seeing it, and it started when the shots rolled out to the general public, in March/April 2021.

Lindsay H. (Nurse)

As a labour and delivery nurse, I have noticed that for my patients that have been vaccinated, there is a huge increase in IUGR (intrauterine growth restriction) and oligohydramnios (low amniotic fluid) in the fetus.


The World Health Organization advised 194 governments to administer these harmful covid-19 vaccinations. How much worse will it be after May 27, 2024, if the World Health Organization is no longer simply advising, but is making laws that all governments have to follow and they require that we take new experimental vaccinations?

Therefore we need to pull out of the World Health Organization to avoid being compelled to take harmful, experimental vaccinations, which may damage and kill us!

I am,

Mr. Joseph Buckland

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