Maaya Rodriques: From rebelliousness to God’s obedient servant

Maaya Rpdriques

Maaya Rodriques’ life has come full circle, and today she is revelling in the total transformation that only God can bring about.

In a one-on-one with Freedom Come Rain, Rodriques reflected on her life back in 2019 when she followed the path of her best friends. In her own words, “my life took a terrible path,” as she was determined to be rebellious and stubborn in order to get what she wanted.

“I met a guy who played a role in the numerous losses and grief we experienced. This man was filled with anguish, hurt, and unforgiveness and dabbled in reiki (a technique that uses energy force to reduce stress and anxiety and encourage relaxation).”

That relationship resulted in a pregnancy just as she started studying at the University of the West Indies, Mona. The pregnancy she shared caused a range of emotions, from delight, to hurt, mistrust, and doubt. She lost her firstborn, Ci-Ana, to stillbirth at 38 weeks.

“Shortly after I became pregnant with twins, we decided to marry, and I hoped that the Lord’s anger would be less severe. Nonetheless, the father and I continued to have nightmares about our children’s deaths and did nothing since we knew no better,” she shared.

Recalling the dreams, she said they didn’t know at the time about rebuking or challenging the devil in situations like those. As she termed it, they were “spiritually asleep.”

Speaking from “an awakened state” in the realm of the spirit, she looked back on her experiences of losing her babies during pregnancy. She said when the twins died, she knew something was wrong, and she even asked their father if he had done something horrible to anyone and if he was cursed.

“I was pregnant with our fourth child at the time. I was terrified, traumatised, and depressed, and I believe our family members’ prayers began to take impact at this moment.”

To stem any more disappointments where her fourth pregnancy was concerned, Rodriques said they chose to keep it a secret just in case someone was ‘out there’ wishing them harm.

Unaware that they were spiritually targeted, she remembers telling the Lord, though, that she would dedicate her child to Him if He allowed him to live.

“God revealed to me His purpose for my child to live in a dream. I held him in my arms while I walked through rooms in my house. This dream came true, and I crossed the rooms with my child in hand, just as He showed me,” she informed.

One year later, Rodriques had another challenge to deal with; this time it was the spirit of adultery that entered their union. She constantly spoke to her partner about it, with no changes being made.

Eventually, he got an opportunity for an overseas job, which he took; something she shared was the ‘hand of God.’

“Though he left, the marriage struggled, and we had frequent disagreements and mistrust. When he asked me to make a move with our son to live with him, I mustered the courage to say, “No!” I was fatigued from all of the spiritual manifestations that had occurred—the lying, cheating, and anguish—and I told God, “I am done; I give up; I will no longer fight,”” she related.

After declaring those words, Rodriques was delivered from the spirit of oppression. However, it wasn’t until a few weeks later that she realised she was indeed delivered; she only knew something had changed in her for the better.

“That’s how the Lord renewed in me the strength to fight and placed in me revelations I am excited to share with you all. I was delivered from Satan’s clutches and awakened in the realm of the Spirit. In the realm of the Almighty, my eyes, hearing, and understanding were opened. I was baptised in the Holy Spirit and given a new name by the Lord! My name is Hephzibah,” she boldly stated.

Now rock solid in her walk with the Lord, Rodriques said she wanted to share her journey of pain and heartache to now being where the Master Potter is at work in her. She has penned a book entitled Journey to Hephzibah: Arise and Claim Your Name.
The book for her is an assignment from God. Looking back at her life and the attacks she survived, she said she knows there are others like her who are going through the same thing. She wanted to share her experience with them in the hope that their souls could be awakened in the realm of the spirit.

“I want to encourage them that they don’t have to go through the suffering and abuse. They don’t have to be reported as ‘men down’ on the battlefield. They don’t have to lose their destinies—that’s not their portion—and [I want to] enlighten them that their portion is in the Lord, and in Him they can receive a full 360 like I am living,” she highlighted.

Her message to readers, especially women, is for them to awaken themselves in the realm of the spirit and reclaim what Satan has stolen from them. She encourages them to make the Holy Spirit their best friend.

“To the women, you are a royal diadem in His eyes. Your value comes from God, and His delight is in you. It doesn’t matter how deserted and desolate your life is; with God, your land shall be called Beulah, and your land shall be married in Jesus name,” she declared.

A past student at the Convent of Mercy Academy (ALPHA), Rodriques is currently pursuing a degree in marketing. Her passions include writing blog articles to enlighten and awaken other souls in the realm of the Spirit.

Another of her passions is participating in an outreach initiative called Operation STAR Child, which takes place in December. Its ultimate goal is to reach out to and guide children and adults who have experienced spiritual pain in the past.

Her ultimate goal is to dedicate her time to the knowledge and understanding God has placed in her to help deliver and heal souls in Jesus name.

Her book can be found on various digital outlets.
