The practice of medical assistance in dying (MAID) is gathering momentum, and we are seeing that a number of nations are not just contemplating it, but they are actually now putting it on the table.
Countries are arguing that it should become available to people globally and that any nation that is forward-thinking would embrace it, because it’s all about allowing persons to make decisions as to their present and their future. Essentially, to have greater control. Nothing could be further from the truth, but this is how the beast always presents these sorts of so-called “solutions.”
MAID is the acronym for Medical Assistance In Dying, and it sounds as if it’s forward-thinking; however, it is in fact like abortion on steroids. Abortion exploded to the point where it became uncontrollable globally, and millions upon millions of babies have been slaughtered. The whole perspective and understanding of the sanctity of life was crushed. You can now kill a baby at the drop of a hat, because it’s not convenient. In many ways it has normalised the murder of human beings and caused the depreciation of human life to that of mosquito value.
Technically speaking, abortion led to the death of trillions of babies, because every baby carries a seed, and so from that baby, other babies would come forth according to the Divine design. So when you kill one baby, you’re killing many people in a whole generation, in a bloodline. This is why killing a baby is tantamount to putting a gun to your head and pulling the trigger. When you kill a baby, you’re literally killing yourself; you are killing your bloodline.