Marshall Redwood continues ‘Hipraise’ on TBC radio

Who says the gospel cannot be fun? Well, if you think so, then obviously you have never tuned in to Marshall Redwood’s daily Afternoon Rendezvous or his Prayz Party, aired every last Thursday or Saturday of the month on TBC Radio.

Marshy Redz, as he is affectionately called, is the ever  effervescent radio host. His shows are generously seasoned with top-of-the-line Gospel artistes as well as up and coming singers and musicians who are making an impact in the Kingdom. Listeners tune in to hear what’s happening in the Christian entertainment industry and given Redwood’s upbeat personality and matching music selection, listeners’ spirits are easily lifted from the upbeat affair. 

Redwood has been a DJ broadcaster and sound engineer at TBC for the past seven years and comes with a rich heritage as a vibesmaster and someone who knows how to set the tone for rich worship and crazy dance praise.

Sharing his journey with TBC, he said he has seen different seasons, but for him, the most important thing is to remain focused on ‘why’ he is a part of the team. No matter the season, he uses every opportunity to offer God praise through music. This is done at different venues. 

Redwood, who enjoys the challenges of spinning music to lift the spirit as well as inspiring people to move their feet in praise dance, started out as a DJ at Church on the Rock in the late 80s. Then he played on a sound system called Gospel Manna Disco with Homer Slack and Peter Wright. Years later, that experience gave way to his ‘Jesus Party’ in December 1991 at the Love and Faith World Outreach at 91 Maxfield Avenue.

Two years later, he started The Real Thing, a bi-weekly praise party at Praise Travel, 70 Half Way Tree Road, now Covenant City Church.

In April 1997, Redwood started Christian Club Mix, the first weekly gospel club in Jamaica and, who knows, maybe the world, at the Sunshine Auto Parts balcony. Then the name changed to Prayz House.

It wasn’t long before he was taking his talent outside of Jamaica and creating gospel music vibes on the international circuit.

Last year, Redwood received the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Caribbean Gospel Legends Music Awards for his volume of work.

For him, “the journey continues.”
