Mercy, as Hope Bay shakes again!

When the earth shakes, the strongest of men tremble. In feverish panic, many who profess to be dog-hearted pick their feet up in their hands and bolt like lightning. Flashing past petrified children and terrified women, they crash like thunder under fragile but available cover. 

Earthquakes, in a few uncertain seconds, remind mortal men that they are mere mud, powerless to a force they cannot see but can surely feel. Wails, pleas, and prayers for mercy gush from gaping mouths in the hope that they would be spared the cataclysmic judgement and that their money, titles, and links cannot stop.

Regardless of the intensity of any shaking, usually, as things settle down, the unrighteous regain their composure and promptly return to their immoral abnormality. In their ignorance, they encapsulate the few seconds of terror into a forgettable blip in the general continuum of their wretched pursuits.

For the righteous, shakings are signs of the times and precursors to a mighty move of God. Shakings forewarn that the judgement of God is at hand. Wars and commotions, great earthquakes and famines, pestilences, and fearful sights must happen before the end of time. God’s people know that they should not be afraid, for these things are detailed in the Scriptures, and their ultimate assurance comes from the above.

Jamaica is quite accustomed to shaking. So, not many were shocked last Wednesday when Hope Bay, in Portland, began to sway. It was just about bedtime when families were turning in and the business districts were shuttering down that the familiar word ‘earthquake’ lit up social media platforms. The Earthquake Unit identified the usual suspect, Hope Bay, as the epicentre of the shake.

Earlier that day, earthquakes had also rocked Trinidad and Tobago and Venezuela, sending a line of fright across the equator.

The earthquake phenomenon is as old as the ages. These were long foretold through the Scriptures, dreams, visions, and prophecies, and repeated through spiritual tremors. But since these warnings are not in the temporal, for the most part, they are generally ignored.

The worst earthquake in Jamaica to date was God’s plunging of Port Royal, dubbed the world’s wickedest city, to the bottom of the sea floor in 1692.

According to official sources, Jamaica is constantly shaken by the Hand of God, experiencing up to two hundred (200) felt earthquakes in any given year. From 1667 to 1888 at least 55 earthquakes of intensity IV on the Modified Mercalli Scale have occurred in Jamaica, and since 1776, we have had nine earthquakes of intensity VII, enough to cause damage to stone buildings.

Port Royal was known as the unofficial capital of Jamaica and one of the busiest and wealthiest ports in the Americas. It was the storehouse and treasury of the West Indies. At the time of the earthquake, it was a common home port for many of the privateers and pirates operating on the Caribbean Sea. It was a place popular for prostitution, wanton murder, the promotion of paedophilia, witchcraft, and brutal, corrupt, and ungodly operations.

The wrath of God relocated most of that city below sea level and instantly exterminated about 2,000 people. In the tsunami that followed, another 3,000 people died, some due to injuries and disease.

For current generations, the images of devastation from Haiti in 2010 or Turkey in 2023 are forever etched in our minds.

God’s move against any nation can be physical, spiritual, or both, at any time, through any phenomenon known or unknown to mortal man.

Even as earthquakes, wars, civil unrest, tensions among religious orders, diseases, famine, floods, and other disasters destabilise the world as we know it, the earth is still the Lord’s, the fullness thereof, and all that dwells therein. We are dealing with divinely controlled disorder, otherwise known as ‘curse’ across the globe.

All pillars of societies are being shaken: families, education, church, government, money, industries and economies, media, agriculture, and even the environment.

Unrighteous men, under the auspices of Satan, read and understand shakings or global instabilities as ‘crises’ that require their intervention and not their repentance. So, under the leadership of Satan, they band together to usher the beast into the top seat of global leadership. 

They will hand the reigns of global control of food, resources, finances, communication, and governance to the beast and hold posh press conferences to announce their sordid achievement. The plans for this Satanic system are well-advanced. In short order, it will be posited as the foolproof solution to stave off wars, famines, pestilence, diseases, and disasters.

The trend is already set. Many countries have already given up their sovereignty, placing their trust in old or emerging blocs. Nations that refuse to comply with the global move to relinquish self-governance and accept foreign partnerships, agreements, and one-world rule will be ostracised and strangled with harsh economic sanctions. Already, the World Health Organisation (WHO) and others are promoting their one-world health control agenda. 

Only leaders who fear God and who are submitted to the leading of His Holy Spirit will choose righteousness regardless of the man-made consequences. Such leaders will stand against the massive one-world push, coercion, and mad-money attraction of the beast and its global allure. They will choose God; God will provide for them and protect their nations with His unbreachable hedge, as He has done many times since the creation of the earth.

The Jamaican government, with its undeterred mission for early enrollment in the one-world order, has already signalled which road it is taking. Through the signing of the ACP-EU Agreement in Samoa, the Jamaican government has handed over key elements of our sovereignty to others in exchange for mad-money, in the form of financial support for the nation’s budget and the deception called climate change. The National Identification System (NIDS) also appears to be right in line with the global move for centralised control of all humanity.

God’s grace is still extended to His beloved Jamaica because of the effectual fervent prayers of the righteous living here. The prophets have warned that the frequent shakings that have been fracturing the fault line beneath Hope Bay will continue to expose feeble infrastructure and crack concrete foundations. Beyond the physical,  they will continue to hit public policies, political parties, lukewarm congregations, compromised church leaders, and even private sector boardrooms until God gets the nation’s full attention. It is anybody’s guess how long it will take for the crevices to crumble, fissures and fractures to fall, and finally give way.
