Mico CARE now registering for summer intervention programme

The Mico University College Child Assessment and Research in Education Centre (Mico CARE) is now registering students for its annual summer intervention programme, aimed at providing remediation in literacy and numeracy for children aged six to 13 years old.

Parents/guardians are being encouraged to take advantage of this year’s programme, which will run from July 8 to 25, from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Monday to Thursday at two locations – 5 Manhattan Road, Kingston, and 2 Royes Street in St Ann’s Bay.

Director of The Mico CARE Centre, Dr. Sharon Anderson-Morgan, said the summer intervention programme offers a nurturing and non-judgmental environment for students, with classes tailored to meet the individual needs and levels of each child.

Small class sizes and personalised instructions are key features of the programme, ensuring maximum benefit for every student.

Dr. Anderson-Morgan expressed her enthusiasm for the intervention, describing it as “a Godsend” for students with lower-than-optimal literacy and numeracy skills.

The programme employs evidence-based remediation strategies, including the renowned Lindamood Bell Learning Processes for literacy instruction.

In addition to literacy and numeracy remediation, the Kingston programme will include a new component focusing on computer technology, aimed at preparing students for success in an increasingly technology-driven world.

Meanwhile, the St. Ann programme will offer children the opportunity to explore their creative side through art and craft activities.

Clinical Psychologist, Shanique Westcarr, Mico CARE Centre Manager for St Ann, explained that the approach of working with children at their level rather than rigidly adhering to a preset curriculum has proven to be highly effective.

“This approach builds students’ confidence, fosters excitement about learning, and ultimately, leads to greater academic success, and parents are often thrilled with the progress their children make during the programme,” she said.

Established in 1981, The Mico CARE Centre is a leading public educational institution offering diagnostic and therapeutic intervention services for children with exceptionalities in Jamaica and the English-speaking Caribbean.

The Centre also provides support and education for teachers, parents, and caregivers, and advocates for the enrichment and improvement of special education delivery.

Registration deadline is Wednesday, June 26.

For additional information interested persons may call 876-929-7720 (Kingston) and 876-972-1174 (St. Ann).
