Be prayerful about Maritime traffic. Not only will there be Aviation incidents, but we will also be having Maritime issues as well. In recent times, we had two vessels colliding and this is just the beginning.
There will be a number of factors, including geo-politics, that will make the different shipping lanes become very challenging.
It is the year of the wind and so prophetically, we have seen where hurricanes will not be confined only to what is traditionally called the Hurricane Season. The other types of systems called by different names like typhoon and cyclones are also affecting different areas including Asia and Africa. Also, geomagnetic storms will be unfolding this year, so we have to brace ourselves.
In the case of those of us who travel, we need to be very prayerful. Gone
are the days when you’re going to just jump and say “well I’m going to
travel”, especially for vacation. You are going to have to be circumspect because you will also have to deal with earthquakes and fire incidents. One of the reasons for the fire incidents will be because of the precipitous condition and nature of the four elements of creation.
Benjamin Netanyahu warned Hamas that they should release the remaining Israeli hostages and if they do not release them, he has promised that they will not stop their military campaign in Gaza until Hamas is completely dismantled and all hostages are returned. If this were to happen, then anti-semitism is going to increase globally, which, of course, is biblical. We are going into that final phase of things leading up to World War 3 and later on Armageddon. No one knows exactly when these dates are going to be, but we know that they will be happening at some point in time, so things are not going to quiet down in the Middle East.
Many are up in arms about what is taking place in the United States, but they are the buffer for the Caribbean. It is crucial that Jamaica for example get it right in terms of sustainable development. This is not sustainable development, as the beast has defined it, because that’s not sustainable development is about. The first order of business is that Jamaica needs to repent! Jamaica needs to get it right with God; we are on the wrong side of God at the moment.
The Lord has been saying to us for over seven plus years now
that agriculture should be the driver for economic growth. God has blessed us with fertile land and also good water. We have polluted much of it, but when you look on the hydro-geological map, we are still endowed with generous amounts of water – good water