The Bible has much to say about geopolitics and how the world will look in the end times. And so, what is actually happening is that the Lord is using the United States of America as an agitator now. The US is taking different actions that will force reactions coming from a number of quarters globally. What is actually happening now, is that we are transitioning from what is called a uni-polar world to a multi-polar world, where there will be many powers, and that’s biblical.
Many of the things that Donald Trump is doing right now, he can’t help but do them, because he’s a pawn in the hand of God, as Cyrus was and others. His actions have been forcing the European Union to reconfigure itself, which is prophetic. What we now see of the European Union, that is going to change. A new European Union will emerge in the next few months or by the end of this year. We will see the equivalent of what would be called, “the United States of Europe.” While they may not necessarily call themselves that, they are going to pattern the kind of arrangement that the United States would have benefited from with their 50 states.
Indonesia has now joined the BRICS, and there are many others. So you are now having what we call a multi-polar world. So the West will no longer dominate, as they would have over the years. You also have agencies such as the IMF, World Bank, the UN, and so on, but those bodies will no longer have the kind of strong-hold as they would have had, because nations will now have alternatives. So it is shifting geopolitics in a major way, which also is paving the way for the beast system, because Europe, for the most part, will be driving the beast system. That is why they have moved further and further away from God.
While the United States will continue to have internal struggles until and unless they turn to God, because of their strategic position—remember they have 50 states, right? And their position in the world re travel, re information in terms of internet, communication, commerce, and so on—it will be difficult for the United States, in the immediate scheme of things, even the immediate future, to be isolated. There are still many nations that need the United States. However, the moment the United States dollar is ditched—because that’s what BRICS is seeking to do—to remove the U.S. dollar as the international currency which is recognised by most nations—and it’s going to happen at some point in time, we are not sure when—that is when the United States will begin to feel a major pinch. But, prophetically, they will not go away. They will still have a major impact, but not to police the world as they are doing now.
World War 3 must be fought; it’s just a matter of when. This too is biblical, it’s prophetic. It will pave the way for Armageddon, which is a massive battle which will take place in the Middle East, focused mainly on Israel and destroying Israel among other allies. In order for World War 3, there are certain nations that have to have greater control over the world to dictate. And then because of disagreements, this thing is going to explode. So, we are on the cusp of World War 3 happening. We are not sure if it’s going to be under the Trump administration, but it’s going to happen.