“No free lunch”: Apostle warned Ja government has been signing secret deals

Apostle Steve Lyston who died last year, had warned Jamaicans on several occasions before his passing that the government was signing secret deals on their behalf, which would eventually be exposed.

Apostle Lyston was a well respected prophetic voice, who along with his team of intercessors at the Restoration World Outreach Ministries Incorporated (RWOMI), would publish the Word from the Lord each year in local newspapers.  

In the prophecies released in 2022, Apostle Lyston said God was calling on the global heads of government to repent. 

“Many have gone into covenants with the enemy for resources.  (Revelation 13).  But, many will be removed.  It will be too late for many, and they will stand before God; and the blood of the people will be upon their hands,” he said. 

“Pray that Jamaica repents.  God has been speaking to many leaders of government, opposition and the private sector to turn from the direction they are going.  Many have signed deals which will bring great suffering upon the people.  Unless there is genuine repentance, the country may get hit because many in the nation have blasphemed the name of the Lord and have turned to other gods,” he said.

The Apostle has warned that Jamaica should be cautious of the heightened interest from international partners in the country with promises of financial assistance, as some had agendas that were ungodly. He was known for saying that, “there is no free lunch” which meant that Jamaica would be expected to give something in return for the financial support given by international funding agencies. 

Several pronouncements by Prime Minister Andrew Holness and members of his government over the last two years have left Jamaicans on edge. After making these pronouncements which are generally in line with a global agenda, the government generally backtracks. 

Here are a few of those cases that placed the country on high alert:

  1. Jamaica going cashless

The Prime Minister in speaking about the use of cash in Jamaica last year, had said that that era is fast coming to an end, while extolling the widespread acceptance of digital money.  He noted that Jamaica would be moving towards becoming a fully digital society, while pointing to the introduction of digital currency like Jam-Dex.

The announcement created a frenzy in the population as many expressed concerns about the country becoming a cashless state. Holness later blasted those who shared this view and labeled the assertion as “stupidness”. “I’m worried. Where is our reasoning and why is it so simple for us to be attracted by rumours?”  he said. Several countries have started the transition to becoming cashless. 

  • Proposed Hate Speech Law

Holness announced late last year that his Government was mulling legislation to address hate speech locally. The declaration by Holness came just mere hours before the European Union (EU) Commission and the High Representative adopted a communication entitled “No place for hate: a Europe united against hatred” which encouraged the international community to stand up against hatred.  The prime minister clarified his statement after several religious and civil society groups expressed concern. “What I’m targeting and what I would want us to talk about is not necessarily hate speech as Europeans may have used it in their jurisdiction, but for our problems that we have, and that’s what I want us to focus on,” he said.

  • The signing of the Samoa Agreement

After a public promise from Foreign Affairs minister Kamina Johnson-Smith that Jamaica would not sign the controversial Samoa Agreement, the government went ahead and added its signature on December 14, 2024. Johnson-Smith said the government’s decision to sign the Agreement was taken in the interest of the country’s development goals and its partnership arrangements with fellow Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) countries and the European Union. Several para church groups had vehemently protested the signing of the agreement, which will mandate the introduction of comprehensive sexuality education in schools, among other ungodly agendas. 
