Pastor urges Jamaicans to stay the course

Pastor of the Waltham Park New Testament Church of God, Reverend Dr. Stevenson Samuels’ message to Jamaicans this Christmas is wrapped up in the theme of the 60th anniversary of the church, ‘Moving on up…Staying the course.’

Staying on course with the Christ message of Christmas—the Saviour coming to give ‘redemption and lift’, Samuels reminds us that Christ has come to purchase us back from the evil one whose intention is to ultimately ‘steal, kill, and destroy’.

“As he redeems us, however, he has promised us, ‘life more abundantly’. As a result, we are moving on and staying the course,” he stated.

This month, the church held its annual Christmas Community recital, with residents enjoying the spoken word as well as the music ministry. Sharing on the event, Rev. Dr. Samuels said the recital helped to power the message in that it gave them a vehicle upon which they could carry the message in a non-threatening, pleasant, and culturally relevant way.

“It allows us to cheerfully communicate the message in a hopeful manner that stimulates inspiration and facilitates salvation for our population. The first staging of the 2023 community edition showcased the impact of the recital. At the end of the production, droves of men led the way for the children and women. They walked forward first to the Christian message of salvation to move up and stay the course,” he shared about the event that was held in Majesty Gardens in Kingston.

The recital is not the only item on the agenda for the season, as Rev. Dr. Samuels revealed that other programmes are planned to give various communities a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

The listed programmes are:

1. Senior Citizens’ Banquet: This event seeks to bring together all the senior citizens in and around the Waltham Gardens community to eat a sumptuous meal together. Each attendee receives a food package at the conclusion of the event. Shut-in seniors are also visited, and their meals and packages are given. Thanks to the private sector, which supports this initiative.

2. Christmas Basket: This project recognises that there are many young and middle-aged adults who are in need of basic resources. A package is prepared for these needy people. Much of the support for this project comes from the Diaspora.

3. The church holds the Sanctuary Recital after the Community edition and closer to Christmas.

4. Colours: This is a young adult leisure activity in the Christmas season. It is a simple gathering in an exquisite venue. Music and food help the fellowship to be pleasant and peaceful.

5. Children’s Treat: Our Sunday School children are feted to a light show, games, and other attractions. The agility level is high, and fun and laughter make the occasion sought after by our children.

6. ⁠Christ Sunday, Christmas morning, New Year’s Eve, and New Year’s Sun Services: These are all traditional services that we join in hosting that enrich the Christmas and end-of-year experience for Jamaicans.
