Personal Envangelism: To War, Christian Soldiers! Satan Is Furiously Populating Hell

By Osbourne Bailey

Given the seriousness of the coming judgement in the Scriptures, it is difficult to explain the level of non-involvement in evangelism. 


This non-involvement seems to have risen even to the level of indifference. Revelation, chapters 1-3, speak of seven churches. Five of these churches were not engaged in living a life of service according to God’s expectations. 

In Matthew 25, Jesus speaks of ten virgins in reference to the people of God – five were wise and five foolish. Given the understanding that the task of evangelization requires a consistent, committed Christlike lifestyle, there are Believers who have opted to stay on the fringes.

The book of Acts paints a picture of the converted Believer in the Early Church as committed to advancing the Kingdom. However, Ananias and his wife Sapphira were pictured as pretentious and committed only to advancing themselves, to their detriment. Selfishness, greed and self-service today, account for the non-involvement of many Believers in spreading the Gospel. Hebrews describes some Believers as simply becoming too spiritually dull to be interested in evangelism. Given how long they have been in the church and should be able to teach others the Word of God, they are still like milk-drinking toddlers (Heb. 5:11-13).


I know of persons who are no longer committed to advancing the Gospel because they have grown weary and tired. There was a time when they were on fire, blazing the evangelistic trail—a trail they blaze no more as they once did. 

According to one of the laws of spiritual warfare laid down in Deuteronomy, if soldiers become afraid and lose courage and no longer wish to remain on the battlefield, they should be allowed to go home. For by being forced to stay, they may only serve to ruin the morale of others on the battlefield (Deut. 20:8). 

Will you be that person to leave to go home?


  1. Record the date, time, and place you were when you decided that you would commit to personally evangelise. Tell someone of your commitment to pursue this path so you can be held accountable.
  2. Try to discover where you are in the process of transforming from “a soul saved” to one committed to being involved in helping souls to be saved. Identify any blockages or hindrances and commit to having them removed.
  3. Learn to listen to the Holy Spirit’s nudge as you develop a passion for building genuine relationships with people who need Christ. Engage in regular prayer for those who do not know Christ.
  4. Commit to an authentic Christian lifestyle: publicly and privately. Put on the whole armour of God.
  5. Identify ways to integrate the Gospel presentation into your everyday conversation.
  6. Practise your Gospel script until you become comfortable presenting it. Make sure to include the opening and closing conversations.
  7. Learn how to integrate the Bible stories as well as your own conversion testimony to empower your presentation of the Gospel.


Bible teacher Rev. Osbourne Bailey has a Spirit-driven desire to fulfil the LORD’s Great Commission by not only witnessing to un-Believers, but also training and transforming the ordinary Believer into a powerful soul-winner. 

Ever since his call to Ministry in 1980, he has been passionately engaged in “resharpening the edge of the Church’s evangelistic sword” and has written a book by this name. 

Contact:, 876-793-3393

Nadine Harris: