Playing with fire!

The new calendar year has started with a bang, rolling, rocking, tilting, twisting, turning, and burning as the spiritual roller coaster and the topsy-turvy ride merge and barrels on. Chaos, confusion, disruption, death, and destruction are rife right across the globe. Industries are quaking under unrests and uncertainties, and already politics has spat out heads of governments in Canada and France and there are others to be ejected.

Up to the end of last year, some 1100 persons were murdered in Jamaica; my friend and colleague veteran journalist Barbara Gayle was one of them. In the first two weeks of December alone, 50 persons were killed. This amounts to three or four families plunged into mourning every single day, joining scores of others in deep despair. In the first few days of January, the murder numbers continue their steep climb and fires devoured four of the nation’s children.

The family unit continues to be pummeled from every side, as rampant infidelity, abuse, and domestic violence rip households apart. 

Recently released data listed Jamaica as the country with the highest numbers of paternity fraud globally. Too many Jamaican women intentionally or unintentionally give men children that are not biologically theirs.

While not entirely new, the information confirmed that a large percentage of Jamaican women are engaged in this heartrending level of deception. Deviance, at the heart of how we reproduce and rear our children, in addition to the habitual fatherlessness phenomenon has plagued generations and guaranteed decades of deadly outcomes.

Some women deliberately trick men into believing that they had fathered their children when they were unsure about the child’s genuine father, since they engaged multiple sex partners to support their lots and lifestyles. 

According to the researchers, financial security is the primary determinant of paternity fraud, especially as poor women seek a man who has some regular source of income to fit in the father slot for their children, regardless of the hard DNA facts that would prove otherwise.

Not only are some women choosing men with money to father children they did not conceive, they are also lining up to sell their eggs to sperm banks to add to their income. Women who choose money over their babies and deception over truth are worse than the infidels they love to bash.

In an atmosphere where money is a god and there is a high perception of corruption, even body parts and the unborn will not be spared. Human eggs, yet to be fertilised, become a commodity, like nuggets, to be traded for money. This is no better than the most vile cases of human trafficking and prostitution.

Many men continue to deny fatherhood to avoid paying child maintenance or absent themselves from their headship at home for a barrage of reasons. When men reject their families, God, and righteousness, it clears the way for reprobate rule in households and communities with immorality as its prominent henchmen.

The fact is, where God is not honoured, no one else can be. Jamaica has become the playground for Satan, and since he is on a mission to steal, kill and destroy, every semblance of life is manipulated, commercialised, consumed, and discarded.

Death, decay, unforgiveness, reprisals, scamming, and fraud stalk the land, even as the government, encased in a cocoon, boasts about the achievements and advancement it claims to see.

No country can claim normalcy or celebrate any kind of prosperity with this level of decadence, deception, anguish, and gloom across so many families and in nearly all communities.

Nations that reject righteousness, have no problem adapting to the Satanic agenda that is powered by mad amounts of money. Diplomatic mandates giving women the right to murder their babies in the womb become a cause for them to champion. Diplomatic devils push the notion that witchcraft must be legalised and given religious standing,  the LBGTQI is a human right and so too is pedophilia and bestiality, and all of these reprobate behaviours must be accommodated and even taught to children.

With Jamaica continuing to bow to international dictates for the sake of money, no one should be surprised about the increasing levels of reprobate behaviour among both women and men and the emerging trade in human eggs.

Money does not only cause the mare to go, it also suppresses truth and influences the decisions of jackasses, especially those in government. Money has become a god for many and it has been elevated to the highest places, legitimately or illegitimately earned. 

Those without money will lie, steal, kill, or destroy to get it and those with it will do the same to keep it or amass more of it. The more money they have, the more pompous, boastful, and proud they become. They see no need for the Sovereign Lord as they think they can bribe their way out of problems and into heaven.

United States billionaire Elon Musk, UK airline mogul Richard Branson, and a few others from the United Arab Emirates have now taken the big money nonsense to new heights, believing that they can establish cities on Mars, to relocate populations in order to avoid earth’s imminent destruction.

This kind of stupidity only comes from the Father of Lies who has convinced these deep-pocketed fools that they can dismiss God and His Word and live. Perhaps, those in Jamaica who are in a mad rush to amass mad money have similar intentions as Musk and Branson, but regardless of what they imagine, none will escape judgement.

Musk and Branson have invested in rockets to explore other planets, but those who govern in Jamaica seem to be encased in another kind of cocoon, ignoring the urgent calls for national repentance while busy lining their pockets. It is as if they are daring God.  There is no deliberate effort to steer the nation away from the bloodletting, the corruption, the unbridled lust and wretchedness.

Scriptures are littered with stories about the ultimate demise of kings who chose the way of the wicked as they ruled over Israel. Neither the king nor the people prospered. Jamaica is no different, there is no prosperity outside of God. Nothing or no one can stand against God and survive. Not money, not position, and not even ventures out of space.

The longstanding claim that Jamaica is a Christian nation is only idle chatter if righteousness is sidelined. Regardless of the fact that generations of our people were raised in the Church, if Jamaica turns its back on the Eternal Father, it has hell to face.

In this season of terrible and rabid turbulence, the elements of the earth have started to speak loud and clear. The fires in California are only the beginning. Floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions will confound human understanding and ability to cope.

No one, regardless of the amount of money they have amassed, has any sense of how intense or extreme the elements of the earth can become when they are divinely activated. You cannot play with fire and not expect to get burned.
