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Prettily packaged ploys of Satan

In prettily decorated, sweet-smelling packages that appeal to the senses of mortal men, Satan is promoting wickedness to the world. The father of lies is a mass marketer, winning over millions who are attracted to his fleshly appeal.

Since last week, many, including some Christians, are going through various stages of depression and election withdrawal symptoms because Kamala Harris lost to Donald Trump in the recently held US presidential race.

That Harris told the American voters and the entire world that she is a Satanist, committed to promoting the ‘beast agenda,’ and will move resolutely to implement same if she is allowed to enter the Oval Office was of little consequence.

Many Christians were willing to ignore all of this and stand firmly behind this wickedness because she looks pretty, smells nice, no doubt, has Jamaican roots, and is well-lettered.

The people of God are perishing in droves for lack of knowledge and lack of understanding and are fully entrapped in the prettily packaged ploys of the enemy.

Kamala was Satan’s cover to murder the unborn, mutilate children through transgenderism, and cull and decimate populations through the LGBTQI mission. This was crystal clear from the democratic platform.

All the while Donald Trump, a loose-mouthed, unfettered, unsaved maniac, filled and overflowing with the spirit of lust and worldliness, promoted an agenda that in the main was closer to the mission of the church than that of his opponent’s.

One unrighteous candidate promised to unleash the beast, and the other unrighteous candidate promised to pursue the more Godly matters. It boggles the mind why any Christian would support the beast’s mission.

But it is written, “The wheat and the tares must grow together until the day of the harvest.” The wretched tares in pulpits and pews are being exposed. Thousands, if not millions, of parsons, wearing clergy collars, are at various stages of apostasy while maintaining top church leadership positions.

These last days are hard for many to bear, so some will choose Satan’s pretty packages in order to avoid the certain persecution that is ahead. They are focused on themselves, pursuing the things of the world, while teaching Sunday schools and leading worship services. They hold to a form of godliness, although what they say and how they conduct themselves nullify their claims to be righteous. The church has been infiltrated by these well-dressed agents of the devil, but God instructs the remnant to avoid these people and keep far away from them.

Many of these pawns of worldly and political power and ambassadors of the beast are in Jamaica. Every chance they get, they speak out against God and lend their voices to unrighteous causes.

So, do not be shocked when apostate parsons like Anglican priest Sean Major-Campbell use the pulpit to declare portions of the Word of God a myth.

Know this: God’s word is alive and living and will go forth from God’s mouth and not return to Him void. It will accomplish God’s good, pleasing, and perfect purpose, regardless of obstacles, hurdles, situations, or circumstances. Its mission will be successful wherever it lands, regardless of who likes it or not.

The Word of God is buttressed with divine understanding delivered through the Holy Spirit, who interprets and helps the receiver to understand its meaning and how it applies to whatever situation they may find themselves in.

Slavery was one of the most brutal episodes of human experience, but it could not detain the power of God’s word from delivering His message to the enslaved.

Arguably, colonists in the West Indies tried to use the Word of God to keep the slaves docile and submissive, but the freedom of the enslaved people came primarily through the efforts of the church standing on the very Word the Sovereign Lord taught to them by their slave masters.

The former colonists, in their bloody conquest between 1510 and 1838, failed to grasp the fact that while they were teaching and preaching the Word, it served as a catalyst for the enslaved people’s fight for freedom and provided a powerful platform on which local clergy launched their battle for the region and many other parts of the western world.

God had used the European slave traders to deliver His intent, cutting through their wickedness and providing sustenance for an oppressed people. He showed Himself strong and mighty through His Word to the local churches, and the flock learnt how to recognise Him as Daniel’s God, the Deliverer through the Old Testament, their Comforter, Defender, and Waymaker through the Psalms, and their Risen Lord, overcoming death, hell, and the grave, and empowering them to fight against the deadly chains for their freedom.

Regardless of the actions and intentions of the wicked, the Word of God will deliver God’s exact intent to His people in the Caribbean, the Americas, and the rest of the earth. He has done it before, and He will do it again.

So, whether it is the unrighteous agenda of the Democrats through Kamala Harris, the unbridled lust of Donald Trump, the mealy-mouth assertions of apostates like Major-Campbell, slavery or Samoa, God’s Word will deliver righteous sustenance, guidance, and instructions to His people. The elect will stand on the truth of God, and the gates of hell will not prevail against them. Satan will use whomever is available in whatever way he chooses, but as for the righteous, they cannot be deceived.

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