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Pronounced dead, placed on ice for two days, and walked out alive

Ex-district constable miraculous story

After suffering a stroke, evangelist and ex-police Debbie Biggs was declared dead by doctors at the Kingston Public Hospital, and a porter transported her to the mortuary and placed her in the fridge, where she stayed for two days and two nights before God revived her spirit.

In a riveting testimony on the latest episode of the YouTube testimony series ‘Sheena Power Talk’, Biggs said four blood vessels broke in her head, causing a massive stroke. She was rushed from the Black River Hospital to Mandeville Hospital on life support. However, they could not accommodate her at the hospital as they had no medication to deal with her condition.

She was transported to the Kingston Public Hospital via helicopter, where, after examination, she was declared dead.

Biggs said life started coming back to her body with the following words playing in her mind: “You have some unfinished work to do, and you have to do it. I hear weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. That’s when I found myself out of the fridge, standing at attention, saluting,” she shared.

Biggs said she started singing loudly the words of the song “I’ve got somebody with me to share my heavy load”. Porters coming into the mortuary, including the one who transported her there, witnessed her singing and rejoicing, and made a bolt for the door as they thought she was a ghost!

She called out to them to come and see her, but they didn’t believe she was alive, and eventually doctors and nurses came to the mortuary to see her.

“I can recommend my God to any man. I was tested, proven to be okay, and taken back to my ward. I was laying there praying to God, giving him thanks for what he has done,” she shared.

Evangelist Biggs, in relating her story, said the stroke was brought on by stress she experienced on the job as a former police officer.

Highlighting the experience, she said she was on duty when she was accused by an assistant superintendent that she stole $74,000 prison cash, something she was innocent of.

She informed that the money was handed over to the inspector, with her making an entry in ‘the government diary’ that was also handed over to him.

Throughout the accusation, there was no trace of the book or the cash. She said at the time that she even stripped so they could search her and see that she didn’t have the money hidden anywhere on her.

It was so stressful trying to clear her name that she got a stroke.

Evangelist Biggs trials are not yet over, as she resigned shortly after with the promise to receive a payment. Twelve years later, she is yet to receive any payment from her former place of employment.

Biggs, who still has difficulties speaking strongly, does not allow that to slow her down, as she is now referred to as ‘the travelling evangelist’. She shares her powerful story, reminding many that God is still in the miracle working business.

Prior to her experience, the evangelist noted that she had been saved for close to 30 years, but was not strong in church, nor was she strong in God. After experiencing the miracle that God did for her and where he has brought her from, she has now made up her mind to stay on the path, as her intention is to “see her Jesus someday.”

Her struggles back to normal life saw her relearning to eat, as at one point she could not put food in her mouth, but had to hoover her mouth over the food to eat. She admits to ‘discharging herself’ from the hospital, walking away without any medications, as she said she already had a doctor in Jesus.

Reaching out to those who may be facing their own challenges, Evangelist Biggs offers encouragement, stressing that no matter what, they should look to God as their solution. Although she has had challenging times where she can’t even find food to eat, she said nothing can shake her faith, as she is sure the Lord will not give her more than she can deal with.

She warns young people to accept Christ before it is too late, as she doesn’t want them to be shut out of life eternal.

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