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One of the reasons why the days are numbered is because numbers are very important. When God gives instructions, you should pay attention to the numbers, as each day has a particular significance. There is a posture and a position that one is to take each day and as you number the days, you will discover that the dates are wrapped up and tied up in times and seasons. 

This year will be a rollercoaster ride so it means that there will be turbulence up ahead. There will be a number of suddenlies and there will be bumpy moments. Those who are anchored in God in Christ will experience His Shalom, His peace in the midst of the storm. 

Climate change is foolishness, it is not of God, because what climate change is promoting, is that the solution to the turbulence in climatic condition can be explained by science, and that we must look to science to help us, to successfully navigate the unpredictability of climatic conditions and the erratic behaviours of the environment.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Human beings must stop interfering with what God has put in place. They are fooling around with the sun, they are fooling around with the moon, they are fooling around with the cloud, seeding the cloud, they are fooling around the ocean, they are doing all manner of things. They are fooling around with different parts of the ecosystem and interfering with animals. All of these things have consequences. So human beings need to stop messing around with the created order as though they know, when truth be told, we don’t know many things. 

 The Word of God has made it clear, that in the End Times, we will be having these kinds of turbulences, primarily because of the wickedness of humanity, towards the environment, which comprises the living and the non-living. The Bible also tells us that the choices that we make, the decisions we take, where they are against the precepts and statutes of God, the land becomes defiled. When you live an immoral life, sexually for example, the land is defiled, not just a person and a family, but the land becomes defiled. When you abort a child, the land becomes defiled, when you murder someone, the land becomes defiled. When the land is defiled and there is no corrective measure taken, the land over time will rebel. The Bible tells us that the blood of human beings has a voice.

God has made it clear that whenever we continue to contravene his Word, to go against His precepts and statues, he will allow certain things to happen, such as to have the four elements of creation behave in ways that are strange, unusual, unpredictable, inexplicable, and the end result will be devastation, displacement, destruction. 

Based on the Word of God and based on the lived experience, if we are to experience safety, generally speaking, we must be in right alignment with God, which is to live a life of repentance, and the Bible encourages us to repent; to humble ourselves, seek His face and turn from our wicked ways. Then He will hear from heaven, He will forgive our sins, and heal our land. That is the solution to climate change. 

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