Re-taking The High Places!
There is a high positive correlation between the biblical year 5785 and the secular calendar year 2025. One of the ways that this is evident is through the mathematical relationship between the two numbers. One of the manifestations of this is in the fact that 5+7+8+5 =25. This has significant spiritual significance.
Further still, 5785 is a harbinger of sorts for 2025, therefore the large majority of the meanings associated with 5785 helps us to anticipate much of what is to come in 2025.
The year 5785, “Peh Heh” is the year of ‘Grace in the Mouth’. The Hebrew letter ‘Peh’ means ‘Face, Presence, Mouth, Speech’ and ‘Heh’ means ‘Behold, Grace, Wind, Sound, Spirit, Breath and Revelation”.
People of God will speak
In the year 5785, the LORD God will activate the mouth of His people to speak, prophesy, decree and declare things that are not as though they were (Romans 4:17) and see them manifest! As God gave the assurance to the prophet Jeremiah (Jeremiah 1:12) that He would watch over His Word until it comes to past, so it is that He is giving us that assurance today.
Year of seeking God’s face
5785 is the year of seeking the face of God and dwelling in the manifest presence of God: worshipping Him ‘Face to face’, ‘One to one’, ‘Mouth to mouth’, asking Him not only to ‘Breathe on us’ but to ‘Breathe into us’. When God breathes into us, His breath of life (RUACH) will revive, renew, restore and transform us to successfully confront the vicissitudes up ahead and advance His divine agenda.
It is the year to battle for and re-take the High places of the nation, especially the seven pillars: Family, Church, Government, Education System, Economy, Culture and Media (Print, Electronic & Digital).
5785 is the year of the ‘Wind’, ‘Spirit’ or ‘RUACH HA KODESH’. The year of the ‘Wind’ speaks to storms, suddenlies and unpredictable phenomena. As the wind is unpredictable and uncontrollable, so will be the move of God throughout the nations in 5785/2025. As the ‘Wind’ blows, the revival will increase in intensity in nations across the globe. Millions of people across the globe will accept Jesus, The Christ as Lord and Saviour of their lives, including millions of children and young people.
In addition, the ‘Wind’ will manifest in the weather, economy, politics and social affairs. The climatic conditions will become increasingly erratic, thus causing wide scale devastation in nations across the world including destruction of communities, farmland, infrastructure through flooding, tsunamis, storms/hurricanes/cyclones, drought, volcanic eruptions, raging fire, earthquakes, pestilences and diseases.
Instability across nations
The ‘Wind’ will cause political, economic and social instability in nations including the Caribbean, Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Watch China and Taiwan! Watch the European Union spearheaded by a resurgent Germany as they seek to counter the advance of Russia!
Born again believers in Christ are encouraged to welcome and embrace the Holy Spirit intimately as they are empowered to do mighty exploits!
2025 prophetically is the year Kaf Heh; that is ‘Grace in the Hand’. The Hebrew letter ‘Kaf’ means the ‘palm of the hand’ and ‘Heh’ means ‘Behold, Grace, Wind, Sound, Spirit, Breath and Revelation”.
2025 = 5+5+5+5 and 5+5+5+5+5; that is the numeral ‘5’ appears nine times! ‘5’ means grace and ‘9’ means ‘Gestation, Birthing’ and ‘Finishing’.
In the year 2025, that which was planted, sown/invested/conceived in righteousness will come forth! The grace for the ‘finishing anointing’ will be poured out full measure so that those who have been struggling to finish that which they have started, under God, will be empowered to complete/finish tasks, assignments, plans, programmes, projects, business and financial payments!
The palm is the underside of the hand, also known as the metacarpus. It has five bones called metacarpals. The palm allows you to grip objects, write, and sew, and it helps you appreciate different textures, surfaces and environs.
Hands are portals that can provide valuable insight into a person’s life. An open palm can symbolize truth, honesty, and openness. On the other hand, ‘palms down’ suggests dominance, aggression, and authority. The phrase “in the palm of one’s hand”, means to have control over someone or something. The Bible mentions the palm of the hand in several places, including Daniel 10:10, Matthew 26:67, Mark 14:65, and John 18:22.
Perhaps one of the most remarkable verses referring to the palm is Isaiah 49:16 where God reminds us of His amazing love, care and control over us: “I have engraved you on the palms of my hands,” and subsequently He employs the words: “Your walls are continually before me,” so that in essence, He’s saying to His people:
“I don’t forget you. I’m committed to you. Everything that I’m doing, I’m thinking about you. I’m caring for you. I have you at the forefront of my mind, my heart, and all that I’m doing. You are fully protected. You are fully provided for. No harm can befall you unless I allow it!”
These are glorious words, when we think about God’s love for us, in Christ! God has called us His children. We are His sons and daughters! We belong to Him! He’s thinking about us, you and me! And we are constantly before Him! He is consumed, in a sense, with our care, with providing for us, with giving us what we need for life and godliness, for growth in our relationship with Him, for flourishing to His glory!