The spotlight will be on St. Elizabeth for good reasons and for bad reasons. They will be making the news.
The Lord will be allowing it to rain at specific times and at specific points for those who are rightly aligned with him. So the rain will fall in the areas where they live, while other areas will not receive it. It would be just enough to replenish, water the plants and have in the reservoir etc. We will be having some erratic things happening, some persons will describing it as bizarre. This year, we will be experiencing major flooding incidents.
The hearts of the people of Jamaica have become very hardened. Their hearts have become calcified. The milk of compassion has been lost, so there is no law that you can put in place, that will change the hearts of people.
As the wind of God blows, there are going to be particular churches in Spanish Town that will be affected, where their roofs will be blown off. Speaking prophetically, this means a change in the guard. Spanish Town is a historic capital, the womb of the nation, and it will be purged. Churches in Spanish Town, the Lord will be visiting particular congregations and he will be lifting roofs.
Jamaica will not countenance the practice of extra-judicial killings. The state cannot be judge, juror and executioner. This is a dangerous path to take. This is a recipe for anarchy, for totalitarianism and for tyranny. To our leaders, the practice of extra-judicial killing has never worked. Going around and targeting so-called dons and killing them will not solve the problem. What it will do is cause greater resistance, and the push back will be of such that it will be worse than it was before. Extra-judicial killings will not solve Jamaica’s crime problems; curfews will not solve Jamaica’s crime problem, State of Emergencies will not solve Jamaica’s crime problems; ZOSOS ( Zone of Special Operations) will not solve Jamaica’s crime problems. What will solve Jamaica’s crime problems, is first and foremost repentance; three consecutive days of national, fasting, mourning and repentance and then as the Lord will lead this nation, we will begin now to invest heavily in families according to the divine design and employing and applying the precepts and statues of God, in our laws and policies and practice.
The church of the living God needs to arise in prayer. We need to go out, because what has happened in Spanish Town will be popping up all over the island at different points. This is an election year. The Lord says the water is going to become murky. As the activities of the security forces continue in different communities, there is going to be the talk, where one side is saying they are targeting our side, and so there will be a counter to that.
The matter of kidnapping and ransom will make things difficult for the security forces. AI will play a big part in this. We are approaching a dangerous period and season in our nation.