Prophecies: Cry out to God! The pot is boiling over!

When you have murders of persons in a community, there is usually a chain reaction   called reprisals, and ultimately if God does not intervene, the cycle continues until everyone involved in the shedding of the blood of individuals are murdered. When innocent blood is shed, the blood not only speaks, but it contaminates and pollute the earth. A curse is invoked, not just upon the person or  persons involved, but also upon the land, upon the community and it is a part of the reason why the priest from the Old Testament would get involved. Today, we are a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people. The priesthood has been extended now to all born again believers in the household of faith. So children of God connected to the community where the eight persons were killed, need to visit the area, cry out to God, repent, and ask God for forgiveness. They need to pray over that area. Where they have consecrated olive oil, it should be poured upon that area, and where you have a group of born again believers, you need to come together and form a circle. If the area is too large, break it up in smaller areas and cry out to God and ask for forgiveness. Ask for mercy. Based on what we are seeing in the Spirit, it was not just acts of murder committed, but there is also blood sacrifice that is involved. There is a quota that is set in the demonic realm for a certain amount of human blood to be shed, and certain numbers of people to be killed. Each time blood is shed a portal is opened for blood sucking demons. That portal must be closed, or else more blood is going to be shed. It might not be in that area, but in other communities.

Governments globally, including our government, would have signed various agreements, and the deadlines are approaching. Many of them are not meeting the requirements because for example, here in Jamaica, the constitutional reform, they thought they would have been way ahead. They thought they would have been way ahead with the NIDS and with the digital society because people would have just swallowed them up, hook, line and sinker. But the Lord has thrown a spanner in the spokes of the wheel, and so there is desperation. With this desperation, those in power will be doing many different things. The ploy that they are going to use is going to be distraction and deception, but the end result will be destruction ultimately. If there is ever a time we need to intensify our prayers, certainly it is now. We cannot afford to back down or to decrease the prayers, because the pot has started to boil again.

Our education system is in a bad way. We need to pray. Every born again believer in this nation of Jamaica needs to intensify our prayers for the education system. The authorities already have their plan B, which they really want to be plan A and that is e-learning; sending our children online. More teachers have left. The authorities are aware of some teachers that have left, since the end of the academic year, but some are strategic and have not yet released their resignation letters. It is not known to the powers that be, but within the first few months of the new academic year, it will certainly hit home how many has left. We are in a crisis re physical teachers,  but it is not obvious yet. Also, there is the destruction of a number of physical facilities by the recent hurricane. There are other systems in the making, we have to continue to pray for grace and mercy, because Hurricane Beryl would just have been a blip in comparison to some of the other things, that are up ahead in terms of natural disasters. We need to pray that communities will come together to give assistance in getting the buildings and the school plants up and running. The authorities are behind schedule. This is what God is showing. Prophetically, we are seeing a dilapidated picture of the education system. We are way behind in terms of the repairs and the rehabilitation.

One of the plans that the enemy has, is for as many of the privately run and operated schools to go under, so that the state can take full control of all of the education system. For the church operated schools and many of the independent schools, the enemy would want them to be unprofitable so that the state can totally be responsible for education, at all different levels. We need to pray that instead of us having fewer church owned and operated schools, we will have more and by the grace of God, the ratio or percentage will be 60/40, if not 50/50 to create balance.
