Artificial intelligence (AI) will continue to grow and develop exponentially! Millions of people globally will be disenfranchised through loss of jobs and livelihood. The unemployment and underemployment ranks will continue to explode globally! Almost every profession will be impacted, including factory workers (at various levels), mechanics, masons, farm workers employed to large farms (this will impact the overseas farm work programme), administrators, secretaries, bank tellers, call centre workers, cashiers, drivers, janitors, machine operators (all types), port workers, teachers, pilots, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, IT specialists, attorneys, judges, court reporters, and pastors.
Rise in the use of ‘AI’ in the church and worship experiences. More and more members of the five-fold will consult ‘AI’ solutions for sermons, Bible study information, prayers, and general solutions and insights. This will lead many Pastors, Prophets, Apostles, Bishops, and people of the church astray. Let us pray that the eyes of our church leaders and the congregants at large be opened before it is too late.
More prominent church leaders will fall from grace because of greed, apostasy, and outright rebellion against God! Let us pray intentionally for our church leaders, locally, regionally, and globally.
Increased persecution of those who refuse to comply with the Beast system. Watch for the words ‘deceived’ and ‘disenfranchised.’
There is a major suddenly that will happen in the Vatican. This will cause seismic shocks globally!
Increase in censorship globally with the dramatic increase in ‘deepfake’ due to the use of ‘AI’ for nefarious activities. Attacks against free speech will increase.
Continued rise in millions of people globally, including here in Jamaica, who will lose their life savings due to online fraud, etc.
Increase in identity theft globally. Many will be impacted. The church needs to cry out; as churches will be impacted individually and collectively.
Exponential rise in drug abuse and drug use globally.
More wars will continue globally as the Beast pushes the Agenda of chaos and destruction in order to advance the One Word Order/One World Religion.
Food shortages will continue to become a reality globally. Many more will die of starvation.
Prepare for a major global financial meltdown, which could usher in the global digital currency. The emissaries of Satan are contemplating whether or not to employ a Global Health Plandemic (by or before summer/winter 2025) or a major global blackout of the internet, which would affect telecommunications/electricity globally. All this, if successful, will help to usher in the so-called “4th Industrial Revolution.” Let us pray that the Beast does not go ahead of the agenda of God.
Pray for the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump that all disruptions (including public protests, social unrest, mass shootings, etc.) and assassination plots will be exposed, cancelled, and aborted in Jesus’ name!
Pray for the salvation of Donald Trump and that God will surround him with righteous intercessors and advisors and technocrat so that the plans of God for His life as President of the United States of America are not derailed, undermined, or aborted.
Pray against increased mass shootings across the USA; this is to advance the argument for the abolition of the 2nd Amendment. This is also intended to undermine the presidency of Donald Trump
Watch the hand of God against California, in the USA, as they continue to push for separation from the USA.
White supremacy is set to rise under Donald Trump’s presidency; the people of God are called upon to pray against this so that righteousness will prevail and all ethnic groups will be treated equally.
As the people pray, there will be a mass revival across the USA where millions of people will come to know Jesus Christ as LORD and Saviour!