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Prophecies: Time to live holy!

A lot of surprises are coming, and things will happen that we have never seen before! A suddenly will hit the world and the Church (Body of Christ).  There are people within the Body of Christ who are not consistent, especially regarding their lifestyles – many are not living according to the Biblical principles that God has laid down for His people through His Word. Things are going to happen that will take them by surprise and this will cause them to lose their way. God is calling everyone to consecrate themselves daily and wait on Him.  There are some Christians who are not serving the Lord truthfully and faithfully from their hearts. The Spirit of the Lord says, “Live Holy Now!”

God is calling everyone to obedience NOW! “It is a watching and praying time and this needs to happen daily, says God!”  The Spirit of the Lord needs His people to be obedient to their leaders who live holy as unto Him.  Many watchmen are sleeping spiritually and naturally, and God is saying, “Repent and consecrate yourselves before Him!” “Be very watchful, for the hour is drawing closer to My Return!”

There will be more disturbing news worldwide of popular church leaders getting into trouble because of illegal money practices.  God is calling all Christians to refocus and come back to their True Love, and worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. No more playing around. He is watching and knows the intent of the hearts and the minds.


There are countries within the isles that will fight back against the beast system. Jamaica is one of them. Jamaica is a diadem in the hands of God, it will be one of the few nations on earth, that will successfully push back against the evil agenda, when most nations will bow.

Based on what is seen in the realm of the spirit, this National Identification System (NIDS) is going to fail. Over 80 per cent of the people of Jamaica will reject the system. This is not because of a man or a group per se, but because we dare to believe God and do what he asked us to do. In its present form, the NIDS is not in the best interest of the people of Jamaica. A stop order is placed on it in the realm of the spirit and it shall not move forward. The eyes of parents are opening up wide to the dangers of this system in its present form and they will do everything to educate their children, at the various levels, so that when they are appro

ached in their schools, they will not be quick to sign up to this system.

We must not allow the banks to dictate to us. In the new Jamaica that God will  raise up, we will have righteous banks. Kingdom banks are coming, but until that manifests, let us take our funds, pool our resources, food, water, skills and so on and encourage bartering. Let us share with each other as Born Again Believers, and no devil will defeat us with their system.

There is no Commissioner of Police that exists right now; no man or woman right now who can make any meaningful contribution towards the reduction of crime and violence in Jamaica. If this problem of crime is to be solved in Jamaica, first and foremost, Jamaica must turn back to God. Until we turn to Jesus Christ and align with His precepts and values, so that our ethos as a nation, our cultures, laws, practices, traditions align with the precepts and statutes of God, we will not see better days in Jamaica. We also need to fix the family according to the divine design.

Crime and violence is a part of the judgment of God on the nation, because we have moved away from Him and are moving further and further away from Him. If we continue on this present trajectory, in terms of pushing the manifest power and presence of God, out of our schools, shortly, we will have mass shootings in our schools and our schools will become like prisons. The children will become more and more violent because we have dug for ourselves cisterns which cannot hold water, we are building without God, we are locking out prayer from schools, we are locking out devotions from schools which cultivates the manifest presence of God. Instead, we are building altars to other Gods, such as peace benches.

The Jamaica Constabulary Force is not equipped to fight spiritual warfare. The church of the Living God is the body, or the group in the nation, that is equipped to handle such matters.

There is a new strategy for the dispersion and smuggling of illegal drugs that the underworld is planning to unleash that can cause drug addiction and overdose like we have never seen. They are planning to drug people without their consent to get them hooked by way of injections and by  putting it on clothing and other means within certain communities and places. We must pray that God will stop this evil and greed from ever happening. We must pray that God will increase wisdom and insight within the Drug Enforcement Agencies,  including the local police, to deal with these issues in the US and around the world.

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